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Chapter 6. Be Clear About Your Goals
One of the most important tools for organizing your time is to know your goals.
When you know your goals, this allows you to prioritize things a lot more easily. Know what’s important to you, know where you’re trying to get and know what you need to do to get there. This way, you can much more easily decide what is most pressing and what will help you get there.
No one else can tell you what’s important and what isn’t. Not your employer, not your parents, not your partner. There is no ‘right or wrong’ way
to live life, so you need to decide what’s most important to you. Maybe that’s your family, maybe it’s your fitness, maybe it’s becoming the next rock start sensation. It’s all legitimate and it helps you to focus your life much more easily.
You may even decide that your goal in life is to have lots of friends and have lots of great adventures, memories and experiences. In that case, you might decide to turn some of the advice in this book so far on its head. Maybe you spend less time at work and less time in the gym so that you have more time to fill your social calendar.
Either way, you need to know where you’re going and what’s important to you.
This is a good place to start then. Instead of starting with a goal, start with a ‘vision’ and try to picture what you want your life to ideally look like. This should have much more of an emotional impact than simply writing down ‘get rich’.
What you might also find, is that once you start visualizing the lifestyle you want, it might impact what your goals actually are.
For example, you might think you want to get rich – but if your vision is mostly about living in a beautiful home, or travelling a lot, then maybe the money is just a means to an end? Maybe your real goal is to have a better home, or to travel more? And maybe there are better ways to accomplish those things!