Ebook Sample Content Preview:
David: The first thing I would focus on is the title tag. You want to get your keyword or keyword phrase in there. You also want to work on your description tag. You want it to be on your page once or twice. You want it in your header, in your headline, and you want the keyword and some links coming in from other websites or other pages from your own site. If you do all that, you’re already ahead of most of your competition.
Terry: So there’s a link from one page on my website to another page on my website. Does Google look at that as a positive aspect?
David: Yeah. That’s what tells the search engine what that page is about.
Tim: And you can apply the same concept to use some good keyword phrases within your link from page to page, and even in your navigation for example.
Terry: Ok. So my navigation links are also part of optimizing my website? So instead of a navigation link that says home page, it should say organic gardening, then another navigation link says organic tools. All of that makes the difference?
Tim: It does. Just to illustrate how simple this can be. A real sample that is an effective trick could be, instead of using the home page, I use a keyword title for that link.
Terry: Ok. So basically the title tag of your website should also be included in your navigation? Is that what we’re saying David?
David: Yes. Unless your website is about home pages, why would you link back to your home page using the keyword home page? All you’re doing is telling Google that your home page is about home page, which it isn’t. So instead of having the keyword “home page” in your link back to your home page, put your keywords in there. If your website is about dog food, have the links back to your home page with the keyword dog food in it.
Terry: Ok. That brings up another aspect of developing your website. The content. I would like to switch gears for a moment from search engine optimisation and take 5 minutes with you Roy. If you can describe how you start to write copy for your website. Right from the very beginning.