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Choosing the surveys you fill out is dependent on how much they pay, but that is only part of the question. Yes, you will want to fill out surveys that pay well, but you will also only be able to fill out surveys that you are qualified to complete. Some surveys have very specific requirements like age and gender. Obviously, if you are a female you cannot a fill out a survey that is targeted toward males. If you have filled out the appropriate screening information you will probably not get many offers for surveys you cannot complete.
On the off chance you get some of these surveys sent to you it is important to ignore them. It would be easy to simply falsify your information and fill it out for the money anyway. Remember though that it is not only dishonest to do that, but it messes up the whole survey system.
Market researchers need good information. Because they need good information they are willing to pay top dollar to get quality answers. When people fill out the surveys with junk information it makes the researches less willing to do their work online, or to pay good money for it. Try to avoid this problem by not filling out surveys that you are not suited to fill out.