are you looking to make real money online real fast?
consider getting a real job (Online that is).
there is a huge opportunity for you to get into the services business, even if you currently have no special skills.
Dear Reader:
Running an online business brings a similar vision to most people's minds when you mention it to them. That vision is "Put up a website and the money comes in while you do nothing".
In fact, most people starting out in internet marketing buy into this vision.
However those of us that have been doing this for a while know that nothing could be further than the truth. The truth is that there is no magic bullet.
Even when you are selling a digital product there is a lot of work involved, such as:
Product creation
Graphics Design
Website Design
Sales Funnel Setup
Back end Product Creation
Traffic generation
JV deals
and it goes on and on and on.
So as you can see this is far from doing nothing. It is work that goes on indefinitely.