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Once you have ventured far enough into the Internet jungle, encountered and successfully survived meeting several lions, tigers, bears and sneaky snakes, the next thing you have to worry about are the (gasp!) cannibals!
When you first meet a cannibal, he will look, speak and act just like any other normal Internet business person. There won’t be a bone stuck through his nose.
He won’t be carrying a spear or poison darts. He will be carrying....are you ready for this?......Software! That’s right____I said...Software.
These cannibals have a particular fondness for newbies. They are easier marks than those who have been successfully living and thriving in the Internet jungle for awhile. Newbies aren’t near as apt to ask the right questions before being bullied into purchasing software.
I’m sorry to say that newbies easily become software junkies. The become addicted to the stuff. If you show a newbie a piece of software that promises to lighten his work load or make him more successful or make his computer run better or faster, he is almost always interested. The Cannibals know this....they depend on it.
You, as a newbie, must recognize your software addiction and try to control it. It can not only cost you a ton of money, it can be downright dangerous.
Do you know what the acronym TUS stands for? You don’t? I’ll tell you. It stands for Totally Useless Software (TUS)...and the jungle is full of cannibals pushing it.
You DO need some software programs...there isn’t any doubt about it. For example: You must have some kind of word processing program on your computer. The software that supplies this word processing ability, however, can be so bloated with un-needed features that all it does is eat up your computer resources. You will have paid a lot of bucks out for features that you do not need now and will most likely never need. The basic software is useless but the glut of added features makes most of it totally useless.
You can spend a lot of money on software that just simply won’t help you to achieve your goals. You can even spend real hard-earned money on such foolishness as singing happy faces....no kidding.
You can buy software that will supply you with line charts, graphs, pie charts, etc. that have absolutely no discernable use. They might look really impressive but they don’t mean anything.
But, hey, you might like a lava lamp icon on your task bar. Or, maybe you believe that there is software out there that can keep the evil spirits from invading your computer. If you do, maybe you should consider another line of work.
Besides TUS there are cannibals that will try to sell you pirated software. Everybody loves a bargain! There are no two ways about it...deep discounts are very, very attractive. This is another thing that the cannibals are well aware of.