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There are two main varieties of digital products: informational products and solutions. Informational products are in the realm of writing, as we have tackled in the previous chapters. They convey information, and information is best expressed through words.
But there are problems that do not require information. These problems require solutions. An office that is having a hard time preparing its weekly payroll, for example, will require a solution for its payroll preparation woes. An online businessman who doesn’t know jack about accounting will want a solution for such a deficiency, especially during the months leading to April.
Since we’re living in a digital age, a lot of people look for digital solutions. And digital solutions can only be created through programming.
Now, of all the freelancing opportunities out there, programming is the one that requires formal education. Though people can learn several programming languages on their own, only a formal education on the matter will give them the expertise that they need to properly apply their knowledge to practical usage. Additionally, most people who are looking for programming help will demand a certificate to ascertain that you are indeed proficient with the programming language that they need.
Programming is not only about the manipulation of numerical equations in digital applications to come up with myriad solutions for a slew of problems. You need to exercise some creativity to determine the best approach to the problem. You want something that will appeal to your audience.
Also, you need to have an eye for what is functional. It’s not enough that you provide a solution. You must provide a solution that is convenient, a solution that is practical, and a solution that is the easiest one available out of all the possible options.