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In today’s lesson I’m going to explain concepts that are FUNDAMENTAL to making your first $1000 on the Internet, give you a startup checklist and provide you with a weekly schedule of activities to complete.
Sidebar: If you are an “experienced” online marketer, then you’ll be able to start making your first $1000 on the Internet right away. If you are a “beginning” online marketer, then we’ll take the next four lessons to explain thoroughly how to get each of these preliminary steps completed.
In a nutshell, there are two FUNDAMENTAL concepts to making your first $1000 on the Internet …and for building a sustainable business that will pay you much more than that for years to come.
Fundamental concept #1 - Find someone to sell to
Fundamental concept #2 - Find something to sell
Note: For you English majors and grammar police, I know you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition, but I write “conversationally” and that is my “voice”. And as you will see later, using the right “voice” can make you a lot of money! ?
This is really all you need to do in order to make your first $1000 on the Internet. But let’s flesh these concepts out…
I like to use illustrations, so let’s imagine you want to be a horse rancher. You are new to horse ranching, so you don’t have any horses yet. What is the first thing you need to do? You need to build a herd!
Now here is where a lot of people mess up. They start planning all the products they want to create …they worry about the “look and feel” of the web site they want to build …they worry about the tax ramifications and laws for owning a small business …they worry about incorporating for limited liability…
But that is getting the cart before the horse! (no pun intended! ?)
Start building the herd first, then all of these other things will take care of themselves!
You really need to see yourself as a good herdsman (or shepherd if you prefer that analogy). Your job is to build a herd and then take very good care of that herd! Feed them. Make sure they have all they need. Protect them from predators (unscrupulous people who would take advantage of your herd). Always remember this principle…
Take care of your herd, and they will take care of you!
So here is a startup checklist to keep you on track…
Startup Checklist: The Four Pillars Of A Successful Online Business
There are four “pillars” of a successful online business: Preparation, Presentation, Production and Promotion. Each of these are necessary components in starting your site … they are, in essence, your foundation.
1. Preparation: In the “preparation” stage you will make important decisions regarding your site: market selection, choosing a theme or topic, determining a delivery schedule.
2. Presentation. In the “presentation” stage you will structure the visual appearance of your sales process: setting up a blog, domain registration, web site hosting, writing a sales letter, providing access to your autoresponder, setting up a download page.
3. Production. In the “production” stage you will create content for your herd and share useful tips and tricks that will enrich their lives and/or businesses.
4. Promotion. In the “promotion” stage you will begin getting the word out about your new blog and web site. You will begin attracting new subscribers, as well as develop an ongoing marketing presence to continually funnel in new subscribers.
As I mentioned, we’ll cover each of these in-depth over the next few lessons. For now, let’s identify some core action steps to complete in order to have a successful online business…
Twelve Steps To Start Making Your First $1000 On The Internet
Note: These twelve steps are organized in chronological order for your convenience.
DECIDE upon a market and topic. (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) A “market” consists of a broad group of people with a specific related interest that you’d like to sell to. Examples include: internet marketing, health and fitness, homeschooling, self help, relationships, parenting, etc. A “topic” would be a subject to which the market is passionate, concerned or attracted. Examples include: affiliate marketing, losing weight, managing time, keeping romance alive, raising Godly children, etc. (I will be giving you a “Choosing Your Niche” Template in lesson #2).
CREATE A BLOG (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) - this will be the hitching post where everyone in your herd wants to hang out, listen to what you have to say and offer their opinions. This is where you will offer your herd good content and valuable tips and tricks to enrich their lives and/or businesses. This is where you will attract potential herd members and this is also where you will do the “care and feeding” part of raising a herd. If you don’t want to mess around with getting a domain name and hosting right off the bat, I recommend using Tumblr as your blog. It’s easy and FREE to use!
Note: Don’t worry that this FREE blog is not on your domain name. Even if you start another blog inside your domain name, this will NOT be wasted time. It is actually great for search engine reasons to have a blog OUTSIDE of your domain name linking back to your site once you get a domain name.
CAPTURE EMAILS (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) This is the first step in building your herd. You will offer something people want in exchange for their first name and an email. Once you have their first name and email, they become part of your herd and you have a responsibility to care, feed and protect your herd. This is also the way you tell them about products they may be interested in. I personally use Aweber as my autoresponder. After your autoresponder account is activated, load a “welcome email” to your account to be sent to subscribers when they join your site.
PROMOTE YOUR BLOG (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) There are many, many ways to promote your blog including social media, search engine optimization, posting comments on other people’s blogs, yahoo groups and forums, etc. One of the best ways is forming reciprocal partnerships with other blog owners in your niche.
SELL SOMETHING ON YOUR BLOG (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) If you already have a product, by all means, recommend it on your blog. But I am guessing that most of you do not have a product to recommend to your herd. A great place to start is ClickBank, affiliate programs of your favorite gurus and even selling go old advertising space on your blog! A great way to “sell” without appearing “salesy” is to review a product on your blog and then provide your affiliate link at the end of the review.
GET A DOMAIN NAME (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) Choose a domain name for your web site and then register a domain with the same name. Remember to keep it as short and memorable as possible, and, of course, related to the topic of your site.
CHOOSE A HOSTING COMPANY (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) There are many, many options available for your hosting. Some of my own recommendations are: HostGator.com, SectorLink.com
CREATE A WEB PAGE (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) A web page is very similar to a blog but allows you to do more. It allows you to create a sales page for your products and review pages for the products of other people that you recommend. You will also be able to turn your articles into web pages that rank high in the search engines and allow more people to find you - thus, building your herd even more!
PROMOTE YOUR WEB PAGE (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) This will be very similar to the promotion of our blog above. In fact, we will add the promotion of our web site into the sequence when we promote our blog. Having a blog, a web site, a twitter and facebook account, etc will not require a lot of time and will give the impression to our niche that we are EVERYWHERE on the Internet. You will be the “go to” guy or gal for your niche!
CREATE YOUR OWN PRODUCT (Activity Time: 4 hours+) Having your own product allows you get to keep the lion’s share of the profits. It also gives you credibility and usually creates opportunities to do teleseminars/webinars for other people’s list and even opens up speaking opportunities!
USE PLR TO CREATE PRODUCTS (Activity Time: 60 Minutes) Once you have a list and have created some products, Private Label Rights is a great way to crank out quality products fast. An information products business can grow by leaos and bounds by having multiple products at multiple price points. And you do not have to create everything you sell! PLR is also a great way to create monthly income after the initial sale of your own product.