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Once you have convinced someone to sign up as a subscriber to your prospect list, your next job is to increase the commitment they have made to you by turning them into a customer.
By becoming a subscriber, the individual who has just added their name to your prospect list has specifically invited you to send them additional information about the topic that drew them to your website in the first place.
Because you already know this, you are in a position to send them laser targeted information about exactly what they want to know.
This is a step in the right direction, but you must remember that they can unsubscribe from your list just as easily as they joined.
In other words, once they have joined your list, it is absolutely essential that you provide them with exactly what they want, because it is by doing this that you convince them to stick with your business and eventually become a customer.
What they want is valuable information, and they want most of it at no cost. If you send them appropriate information 3 or 4 times a week, you will gradually earn that prospect’s trust and loyalty, which in turn makes it considerably more likely that they will become a customer of your business at some point. By sending them the kind of information that they are interested in, you are also fulfilling their needs, which once again makes it considerably more likely that they will buy from you in the future.
However, they cannot buy from you if you do not provide them with the opportunity to do so, so you must do so from the very beginning.
What this means is simple. In every outgoing e-mail message, you must include a tranche of valuable free information, but you must also include a targeted product suggestion or recommendation.
This is something that you must start doing from the first moment you start sending e-mail to your prospect. You should definitely not fall into the trap of sending information-only e-mails at the beginning, because you do not want to ‘scare off’ your prospects at the beginning.