Ebook Sample Content Preview:
This isn't something that I have experimented with before but I want to make you aware that the option is here. ON the right hand side of the tabs on the top is a section called "Captions and Subtitles". I am wondering if you upload a file with keywords that you are targeting to this section that it will help with the on page SEO?
Again, this isn't something that I have experimented with but I am just putting it out there. If you do mess around with this I would love to hear about your results.
That is it for on page SEO when it comes to Youtube. You want your video to have the proper Title, Description and meta tags.
Then you want to make sure that your video is Geo Targeted towards the location that you are trying to rank for.
The last thing that you want to do is to make sure that you have added annotations that have the keywords that you are targeting as well as a clickable "Call to Action" annotation at the end of the video.
This information can be applied to all different types of Youtube videos and not just these offline videos. Consider this a little "YouTube SEO Course".
YouTube Off Page SEO:
Now here is where the magic comes in. Since the video has been uploaded to YouTube and we have all the on page SEO done for the video we can get as crazy as we want when it comes to linking to the video.
Normal SEO practices (which I don't really believe in) say that when you upload a new site that you need to back link to the site/page very slowly. A few links to get started and get the page indexed. Then a few more links and increase the links as you go along.
This logic doesn't hold true when it comes to YouTube. YouTube gets MILLIONS of links to the site every single day. You can't blast enough links at your video to really cause it any harm.
With that being said you don't need to run out and buy 1,000,000 backlinks to the video either. We are dealing with local SEO and the amount of links that we need to get will vary from city to city. A big city will require more links than some small town.
Here it depends on what your level of SEO is. Do you have SeNuke, Magic Submitter, UAW, SEOLinkvine, Article Robot, XRumer, etc.?
The amount of backlinks it takes to get your video #1 will depend on the city and niche that you are targeting. I can't be any more clear about that. There is no single answer that I can give you that will tell you exactly how many links you will need.
You need to do the SEO until that video is ranking #1 for your city niche. In this example, SEO would continue until the video reaches #1 for "Houston Dentist/s".
As you can see from the video above, the #1 result when you search for Houston Dentist has a grand total of 37 links pointing to it.
That is why I suggest you start out with a reasonable number of links at first. That way you don't waste money sending thousands of links to the video when a hundred will do.
Don't stop once the video reaches the 1st page or the video is in the top 3. You want to be #1 and that is the only thing that matters Go all out or don't go at all.
There are courses that cost $997 and up and all they do is talk about SEO. For me to get into it here would be a waste of time. If you don't have any clue on how to build links to your site I would suggest you OUTSOURCE this task.
What I am telling you is that if you already have the tools in your arsenal to do the SEO work yourself then all you need to do is get on it.
If you don’t have the automated tools I would suggest that you spend a few $$ per video and have someone who is a professional in SEO take care of the heavy lifting.
You can take care of the SEO on your own without using any of the automated tools on the market but I would suggest that if you can afford to pay someone else to do it then go that route.
The sooner you get your first client the sooner you can reinvest your profits back into getting more and more clients Either be fast and spend a few $$ or you can take your time and let the money trickle in. The choice is up to you.
Getting Clients and Getting Paid:
Now here is where it gets really exciting. I know you probably think that it is going to take a long time for some business owner to notice your video and actually pick up the phone and call you.
Don't worry about that because I have you covered here. This method is so simple and so CHEAP that I can't even believe that I am telling it in this report.
Ok, so here is what we are going to do. Cold calling is the best way to get business owners to respond to your amazing 1st page results on the video that is advertising your services.