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While both TV and radio execs worry that broadband will change or destroy their markets, the fact is that TV viewership and radio listenership is higher than it’s ever been, which you can leverage to drive Web traffic – and no, you don’t need to produce and place a whole infomercial.
We’ll say one thing before we suggest you invest a nickel in traditional media ads: Have a very memorable URL. Actually we’ll say another: Your product or service should make sense for TV or Radio placements.
Assuming you do and it does, you’ll find that while national and major market TV and radio spots will be too expensive for most businesses, local ads can be surprisingly affordable.
Now in most cases you’ll want to use some outside help such as production people or a voice professional to help develop and produce this material, but placing it can be done easily by yourself – most cable carriers and all radio stations have sales people even more eager to talk to you than the magazine people will be.
Cable Changed Many Things Once upon a time before cable you needed to deal with a slew of network stations, network affiliates and the collection of companies that owned and managed them. You would also generally need an agency that had a relationship to be able to negotiate for and place your commercials.
Today, with more than 300 channels available in many cable markets, most of the local ad placement – outside of the networks but sometimes including them during non-prime time – is handled by the Cable Company itself.
With 300 channels running 24 hrs per day, that is a lot of ad time to fill up. Watch your local cable stations for an hour or two tonight. An ad about placing ads with them is almost certain to come up, especially later in the evening (when they can afford to use the time to promote their own need to fill up time).