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When you set up the meetings with your new clients, there is a sales and marketing protocol that will win those people over to your side.
The protocol is this: your job is to tell them that you help businesses become more visible online. Remember, you should tell them what to do, but you don't tell them how to do it. Your consulting expertise is what they’re going to pay for.
So you might be asking yourself, "How do I do that?"
Here's an example...
Let's say that you have a laptop computer or Ipad with you when you meet with your new client. And let's say that you've previously bookmarked a search term that’s relevant to their business. You would type that search term into the search engine and you would show the first page results to your client.
Remember, you've done this research in advance, however, it will sound natural when you're presenting it to your client.
You'd say something like: "You'll notice that the search results show that after I've typed in the phrase, "real estate agents Seattle" that your listing is not shown in the Google Maps section, nor is your listing found on the first page of Google.
When the client agrees with you, the next thing you would say is…
“Do you think you would get more buyers coming to see you if your business was listed on that map, or if your site was listed on the first page of Google? That's what I do. I help businesses become more visible online.”
From the above example, you will have noticed that I didn't tell them how I would do it; I told him I could.
I also didn't say that for "x" amount of money I could get him on page one of Google. That's not the goal during a business meeting. The goal is to gain their trust, to make them want something that they don't have, and to show them a simple solution for getting it.