Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Remember Marlon Brando in The Godfather, suggesting someone be made an offer “he can’t refuse.”
You may not be able to make a prospect an offer he or she can’t refuse but when you present an offer to a hot prospect, you need to have done your homework. You should have analyzed the prospect’s web presence and decided what it is you can do to help him or her the most. You should have a plan in mind and be prepared to provide prices.
If the prospect doesn’t have a web site, your first offer might be to build one. You’ll need to be ready to handle objections as anyone who doesn’t have a website probably has a strong belief that she or he doesn’t need one. The first comment you’re likely to get is, “My store is doing fine. Why do I need a website?” Or “I used to have a website but it didn’t get me any business so I took it down.”
You may even hear tales of someone who charged the merchant an arm and a leg, took six months to get the site up and then disappeared. Be prepared to deal with people who have had experiences like this because trust us. There are a lot of them out there.
This is where your offer comes in.
You need to be able to show your prospect why the website you would build is bound to be successful. You need to be able to demonstrate how you can use SEO to get the site ranked highly in Google and how the merchant could use the site to draw in business – using tactics such as coupons and special offers.
You could make a special offer yourself using the razor and razor blade marketing strategy. This is where you would offer to build the site for practically nothing so you could get paid to maintain it every month and add new content – which is where you would make your real profit.
If your prospect already has a decent website, you should be able to sell him or her on paying you to build a Facebook Fan Page. Most business people have seen the big guys like Ford Motors referring people to a Fan Page but have no idea how to build one or get customers to go there and Like it. So offering to build a Fan Page for the merchant could lead to an easy sale – and an easy job for you.