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The simple answer is no, you should always charge something...anything so that the business owners is committed to making the site work instead of “seeing how it goes”.
But if you're starting out with no confidence and no samples you could do one or two sites without money upfront.
Perhaps for a charitable organization or business owner with some influence in the business community who offers to introduce you to PAYING referrals (make that a condition of doing the work free or on a trial basis).
But be careful.
A lot of the people on this forum will continue to do sites free, cave in when business people try to pay them next to nothing for their work etc etc.
It is very important as a consultant to build the confidence in yourself you need to get people to pay you...upfront.
So while the concept of not necessarily getting people to pay you upfront is fine there are a whole pile of reasons you should get people to pay you upfront as well.
It's actually not a crucial issue though.
If the average Warrior got off his backside and started talking to business owners for a month or two he'd soon be charging one way or another.
The novelty of doing websites for other people wears off fast. Then you realize you have to get some money to make it worthwhile.