![Offline Client Getter Resale Rights Ebook](https://www.plrupdates.com/images/default-images/ebook-325x325.jpg)
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The page is bear, boring, and simple. But how do I sell it?
Well, you're not selling it. You're giving it away FOR FREE.
Think of it as a "foot in the door' service for getting their attention. Not only is it going to help them with their marketing once they take ownership of this page on Google Communities, but it shows that you are a marketer who *really wants to help them with their marketing*.
What you're going to do now is take that email address you see in their business website, and send them the link of their Google communities page to them. I'll give you a template for the email in a moment. Once they accept it and take ownership of it, you continue letting them know on how you can help them with their marketing.
Here is a template that I looked for in my sent folder that really worked on helping me get these clients. Please note: this is the exact email I sent out to one of my clients when I first began. So please edit this to fit your niche and client.
Subject: "I just create a Google community for (business name)" "Hello Jason,
I'm Joel and I'm an Internet marketing consultant. I create websites, rank sites on Google with SEO, and I help with social media marketing. I found your business on the Business birectory on Biz Journals, and I noticed that you are a new local business.
I focus mainly on helping beginning businesses get started with their online presence because I know how confusing it'll be.
I actually took the liberty to create a very nice looking Google Communities for your business. I would gladly let you take ownership of it to improve your online presence."
That was it. I forgot to write down regards at the ending, or any call to action. I used the words 'I would gladly let you take ownership', and I have used this simple template to get lots of them interested.
Ratio rates? Statistics?
Out of about 10 businesses, I would usually get about 5-7 responses. Some of them would actually ask me, "So what else do you offer?"
When you have these types of responses, you literally have a client rushing themselves to you almost begging you for advice.
Just remember, if they ask you about a service you know just a little bit about, take advantage of it.
Let them know that you can do it. Just a quick Google search and someone to outsource it to can be a big help. I remember when I tried selling a mobile site tow someone, they asked instead if I could do SEO.
If they reply back with just a thank you or something similar without showing much interest (WHICH IS BEYOND RARE) then you should reply with this kind of email, or something similar. (Although I will say that most businesses if approached just right and at the right time.
they'll almost always say they are grateful for the free service you just have them, and they will almost always ask you what you can for their marketing.)
Please note: this is the email template you use AFTER they have replied and asked, "what do I do with it?" Or something similar. Let them know that they need to take ownership of it. Well, have your business client join the group first and become a member. And then let them know that they can take ownership by adding them to the moderators of the page.
You can do this clicking on "members" on the site. And then click on "step down from owner to moderator", and then invite them once they have been a member.
This following template is what you should be using if you wanted to have them become more interested in your services. Again, this may not even be needed depending on their first reply after you sent them your first email.
Email template:
"Hey again.
Just wanted to say that I am glad you enjoyed the new Community. Don't forget to let your current customers become a member, and to share the page on your other social media links.
Use the community to offer special offers just for members, and you'll be able to create a small little community for them with discounts only they can use.
I actually am an Internet marketing consultant, and I can help you with more of your marketing. I noticed that you seem to have a very basic looking website, and while it is well designed, it also doesn't have a mobile friendly design for those visiting your site on their smartphones."
Again, this is another cliffhanger. Utilize the power of cliffhangers in your emails. Why, you ask? Because they work, and it gets your clients wondering, "what's going to happen if I ask about this?"
Now, what about payment. If you land a client, always try to have some kind of contract done. Some clients don't care, and I don't either. Some will take advantage of you, but it's all about the both of you trusting each other.
Now, payment is best done through PayPal. It is quick, fast, and almost every business has a paypal account.
Communities take around 2-10 minutes to create AT MOST. They can be simple. Nothing to worry about. This is great because you can actually just do them fast and quick. It takes about an hour to do about 5-10 emails, if you're quick enough and you want that sale. Of course, the more the merrier. I would recommend hitting a minimum of 10-20 per day to get started, and of course, once you reach your first $500 or so in your paypal account, you won't have to worry about cash so much. It's a wee bit more less stressful once you have a couple hundred bucks in your pocket.
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- License: Resell Rights
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2015 Ebooks Resale Rights