Ebook Sample Content Preview:
4. Selling Someone Else's Product
Would you like the prospect of working for someone else all your life- one who makes most of the profits out of your efforts yet pays you a paltry wage? If yes, then why don't you find yourself a regular job?
Now, if your answer to this question is no, think for a moment: aren't you doing the same thing by selling someone else's product instead of your own? What you are doing is writing all the content, doing all the keyword research, and sending traffic to the merchant's sales page. You are making a one-off commission out of that one sale and that is the end of it! The merchant gets the customers in his mailing list and makes backend sales for which you don't get any credit. Sure, you can make the prospect opt in to your list before sending him to the sales page, but what will you sell to this prospect? Someone else's product?
Even if the prospect initially opts in to your list, he is not going to be there for long. As soon as he buys your affiliate product, he will get into the merchant's customer list, and will forget about you. You may try to sell him your 'related' products, but by this time the merchant has gained the trust and credibility of the prospect, while you have become a forgotten hero.
Keep in mind this simple principle: an affiliate, however good he is, cannot command the same respect from a prospect that a merchant can. Why? Because the merchant has created a solution for the prospect and in this way, he has proved himself to be an expert in that niche. It is simple truth: unless you have your own product in your niche, you won't make any real money. And for your information, list building is not profitable for every niche; in some niches, it is a total waste of time and resources.
Once you have your own product, you can make 100% off of every sale. Not only that, you also get all the customers on your list. This list is pure gold. They have already displayed their trust in you by buying your product once, and you can make repeated backend offers to this list. In other words, your list is an asset, a ready made cash machine that you can use anytime you want.
Now don't misunderstand me. I am not stupid enough to believe that every starter or newbie can launch his/her own product. It is just not possible, because when you are starting a business, you may not have all the resources you need to launch your own product. So, initially, you will need to promote affiliate products. But once you wet your feet in bum marketing, it is time to stop and draw the line. It is time to use the bum marketing method to your advantage and become a smart bum by selling your own products and services.
I don't know about you, but I personally hate the idea of continuously having to scour for new niches and hunt for new profitable keywords everyday, unless I have an interest in that niche and want to build a business around it. I can research niches and write articles for some months, or at most, one year, but after that, it is becomes even more boring than a regular day J.O.B. It reminds me of my college days when I wouldn't attend my college most of the time just so that I could save myself from the pain of listening to boring lectures. Yeah, academically, I was never studious, but that is another story.
5. Creating Sloppy Resource Boxes
This is one of the most stupid mistakes that I see bum marketers making every now and then - that of selling themselves in the article resource box instead of their products/solutions, and the situation hasn't changed much since I started bum marketing a year ago. And I am not just talking about the newbies; even people who call themselves 'experts' make the same mistakes everyday, and never learn from it! Listen, right from the time the visitor drops to read your article, to the time he reaches your resource box, he is NOT thinking about you; he is thinking about HIMSELF. Human nature is generally selfish by nature, and the sooner you understand this truth, the better for you. So, when you create your article resource box, don't sell yourself, or how great you are! It is no use displaying your own ego in your resource box; it is no use selling yourself in the resource box. Instead, sell the solution, or remedy in your resource box, and I bet you will get a much higher click-through rate than otherwise.
6. Losing Big Bucks On Adwords
So many Adwords gurus sell you their 'biggest Adwords secret (s)'. Let me tell you one secret for free: give Adwords the right content, and it will love you. By right content, I don't mean superduper, Booker prize winning content. Your content just needs to be relevant and targeted to the keywords you are using in your Adwords campaign, and you will never get slapped by Google. Give Adwords the right landing for the right keyword. Think about it: if you were a searcher today, and if you were searching for a solution for a headache, won't you get pissed off if you find a site on weight loss coming up at the top, something you hadn't even expected in your wildest dreams? Create your content by putting yourself in your prospect's shoes, and you will never lose money.