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Deejaying is really the most important part of the club if we want to be completely honest. Music is really why people go to nightclubs in the first place, right? Okay then.
Now, for the time being, there are only a handful of genres to select from, with more to come, but even with these limited options, there are a lot of ways that you can make the most out of your Disco Booth...
It may not seem like the most important aspect, but the way you dress your DJ avatar actually is of some importance.
You don’t get any extra points or anything like that for how you dress your little DJ avatar, but it MAY be important in attracting other players to your club.
This DJ avatar is the “you” that you’ll be using to explore your friend’s clubs, the image that people will see when they’re considering whether or not to drop by yours.
So what you want to do is to make your avatar eye-catching. You can take that however you want to take it. You can give him/her fangs and a goofy hat, you can try to make him/her look classy and snazzy or cheap and tacky or just plain ridiculous. However you want to go about it, just make sure that your avatar looks like no other avatar out there.
This is really sort of like “advertising” in a way. It doesn’t immediately result in higher luxury points or more money at the door or anything like that, but it will get other players interested in what you’re doing, so it’s a good place to start if you want to make the hottest club in town.