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Vlog, short for “video blog” is a blogging style that is gaining in popularity and will likely continue to do so in 2006. Instead of the usual blog format of written text and and pictures, vloggers use uploaded video as the primary content when vlogging.
With video blogging, the links to the video media can be added to RSS feeds via RSS enclosures, making it very easy to distribute this content to large audience. Especially with the recent release of Apple’s video Ipod, there should be an explosive increase in video blogging in 2006.
As of December, 2005 the term “vlog” has recently made the move up from online tech and geek publications and started to appear regularly in mainstream media reports. An increase in searches on this and related terms is already beginning to show in search engine data. With major media corporations planning on tapping into this market, expect this trend to continue.
Profit Ideas: If you look back at the recent introduction of “podcasting” or audio blogging via rss, you can see trends and ideas that you could adapt to vlogging - if you act quickly. As of this writing the term vodcast – for “video podcast” has also started to appear regularly. Here are some ways you might jump aboard the trend.
Blogging services will soon be offering easier ways to add videos to blogs, and may increase their advertising – via adsense, etc… on content sites related to video blogging/vlogging – you should be building those content sites. Already searches are looking for information on how to upload video to my blog.
Web surfers will be looking for new content in video blog format. With increased searches on related terms such as “blog news video” and “ads blog video”, you could also develop portal/review sites of other people’s video blogs that are geared towards these and other niche topics.
Start video blogging yourself! No matter what type of business you run, or what product or service you offer, now is the time to start doing short informative video presentations about related topics and start vlogging and providing a vodcast of your videos. For example, if you run a garden supply store and you start doing a video blog with short clips containing gardening tips on a regular basis, this would be a great way to gain some media attention and positive publicity both on and offline.