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Now here is the fun part! Advertising your PPCSE on a budget.
I'm going to tell you straight out, the best way to get new advertiser, new general visitors is to give away free accounts, or free credit with your search engine.
Whether that is a few dollars, or $100, it all counts.
Another idea is to have a free trial period where all accounts are free for the first month, and then you make them pay for their listings the next month. If they were happy with the results they were getting, then they will stay.
But there are two battles for a starting PPCSE. Getting just normal visitors that are there to search and of course the advertisers. Both are just as important as the other.
Just because non-advertisers are not lining your pocket with money, doesn't mean you can neglect them. Without them, you have a useless search engine and advertisers will pull out quicker then you can say Mississippi.
However, when you run a specialty PPCSE, you don't get as many advertisers, but what you do get is larger sums of money. So, please for the love of god, do not treat advertisers like they are a dime a dozen.
If they need help setting up their account, HELP THEM ANYWAY POSSIBLE! When they are happy, you are happy, that is your motto. Running a PPCSE is really a people person job and while I doubt you will ever see one of your advertisers face to face, you need to have great customer service.