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Competition Just because there are a lot of people promoting an affiliate program for your niche doesn’t mean you picked a bad niche. Actually competition is good! It means that your niche has hungry and passionate people looking and craving for information. This will eventually lead to sales for you.
If you have a saturated affiliate program, simply look for another one that converts well that everyone else is not promoting. This will set you apart from the crowd. There are a lot of great converting affiliate programs that haven’t became popular yet, but is still a good product that converts well.
Picking a less popular one can be a great benefit, since most people comparison shop. If they see several people promoting the same thing, it will bring more attention to your site when they see a different product.
Alternatively, you could use less searched keywords to promote your product. For instance if everyone were using the term “used golf balls” you could use the term “top flite used golf balls”. This would be a more specific term, but if you were an affiliate for a used golf ball store it wouldn’t matter because they would sell top flite golf balls. Setting up a campaign using brand names is very smart and profitable as long as the company doesn’t mind.
How to find affiliate programs The easiest way to find an affiliate program is to do an Internet search. I prefer Google for starters, but I would also check Yahoo and MSN for results as well. In your Google search bar type in “affiliate program {keyword}” Replace “keyword” with the niche you are looking for. Ex. Affiliate program {golf balls} If you just wanted to find affiliate networks, you would simply type in {affiliate networks} or {affiliate programs} Keep in mind that a lot of the bigger corporations have their programs setup with Commission Junction, Linkshare, Clickbooth, etc…