Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Share Personal Discovery – Create interesting story angles out of your own would-be bloopers like, “Everyone Told Me I’d Never Be Able to Quit My Day Job, But I Did It in One Month and with only a $10 Investment!” Try this one, “Wrong Email to Wrong List Leads to Unexpected Profits!” Do not be afraid to admit mistakes. We are all human and letting your prospective customers and list members will know this will improve your re pore with them.
Case Study or Testimonial Headline – Similar to (e), place the focus on those interesting story angles of others; for example, “Jack Stuffed My Mailer in the Trash, Then Dug It Out, Listened to the Audio Files, and Earned $12,457 in Just 30- Days!”
Guarantee Headliners – Add your bottom line up top, “Earn Your Money Back in 30 Days or Less or I’ll Double Your Money Back!” Also, “Double Your Money Back if You Don’t Double Your Money!”
For plenty more ideas, and more targeted ones for your specific niches and industries, head to usatoday, prweb and other media sites. Read their headlines to see which ones professionals came up with and put to work. Also grab your local newspapers and any magazines you have around your office and home. Read the headlines for more ideas and try them out for your own articles, websites and press releases. Some magazines you would never think of to get headlines to try from are The Enquirer or The Star. I know they are a little out there with their content but their headlines are masterful at getting you to pick up the magazine and getting you to read.
Put any of these top formulas to work on your websites, articles and press releases. I can assure you that you will receive a better response to your ads than previous attempts. The ways to format your headlines above are tried and tested, don’t try and change the wheel on this one. Make it easy on yourself and just follow what has been proven to work.
Today it is harder than ever to get people to read what you want them to. Heck, it’s hard enough to get them to stop for a second to do so. Everyone is so busy these days and in a give it to me now society you have to give it to them now. Writing headlines that get straight to the point is what will cause people to stop and take notice. Make sure you put a lot of thought into your headlines and watch your ROI skyrocket! One last bit of information before I want to reveal to you is How to Boost your Opt-In rates.
“How to Boost Your Opt-In Rates”
Since the most important asset you can have doing business on the Internet is having your own opt-in list, I thought I'd give you a few ways to boost your opt-in rate. Let me point out that it's beneficial to have your own list in "any" market/niche your involved in, not just Internet marketing. If your market is squash, cricket or space flight, you need to have a list of subscribers. The size of your list is directly proportional to the amount of money you can earn in your market/niche. The bigger your list the more money you will earn!
O.K., now that I have stressed the importance of a list, here are some tips on how to effectively get people to opt-in:
Drive traffic to a page solely made for gaining a name and email address, otherwise known as an opt-in page. Do not give the visitor any other option than to either opt-in or close out of the page itself. It is very important to refrain from putting any outbound links on this page as well. You only want them to have the two options; opt-in or close out of the page, nothing else.
You have to sell the opt-in. Yes, you heard it right, you have to sell the opt-in just like you would if you were selling your own product. You need to describe how being on your list will benefit the potential subscriber. Setting up bullets on key reasons to join your list has been proven to increase your opt-in rate. Giving away a free report like this one with good content is always a winner.
Let me ask you, when you commit to something via time or financially, you like to have instant gratification or close to it right? Of course you do and so does a potential subscriber to your list. Tell the potential subscriber that above and beyond the reasons to opt-in, they will receive something of value. This could be an e-book, audio seminar or video on something that has value. Make sure you let them know that they will be receiving this gift immediately upon opting in. Also, make sure that the gift you give them is something of true value, something you could actually sell and make money off of. You can even put a small value attached to it, like $17 or $37, not to high though. You want to be realistic. If you give them something of true value right off the bat they will be more willing to stay with you as a valued subscriber.
Another way to boost opt-in's is through the use of an email mini course. Standard email mini courses are from 5 to 7 parts usually sent one part per day. The course can be on something like: “Improve opt-in rates in 5 days” or “7 ways to increase your conversion rate.” It can be anything related to your individual market or niche, just make sure it's genuine and good content. Make sure they get their first issue of the mini course immediately upon their opting in. Remember, instant gratification!
I hope these tips will help you in your list building endeavors. Make sure you have an auto responder in place. It makes it a lot easier to set up the email mini series and downloads for bonuses you may have promised.
Implement the strategies listed above and take ACTION! No one is going to give you a list; you have to go get it. So do it now. Now, start perusing the sites below and start making your advertising efforts work for you instead of against you.