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Today’s highly competitive world has taught us to maintain a standard in terms of quality in all jobs that we deliver to our customer. The ever-cherished tradition of ‘quality delivery on time’ is the key to survive when the competitors are breath down our necks. Professional companies and individuals have also accepted that the complete in-house solution may lead to an unwanted financial and management burden. The globalization and Internet era has made every professional very close. So, the concept of outsourcing has also found its zenith in today’s professional world.
The outsourcing is primarily to focus in the line function of their key business arena and outsource the staff functions to somebody whose line function matches with your required staff functions. The fact of life is that a medium software company is less proficient in graphics design and on the other hand a graphics design company is less exposed to programming solution.
Let us take a simple example. Tally is financial software, which is used by many people around the world. The people have felt the need of using such software and reducing the monthly overhead cost of the accounts department. This may also be noted that the competition has started bringing down the sale price like anything. It starts with a computer and ends up with a ball pen. Now how to keep the sale price low? It’s not possible to keep on bleeding for years together, and then the company is bound to shut down. The most scientific way is to cut down on the internal cost. How to accomplish it?
The significant result of such a phenomenal change has resulted in the emergence of companies like Elance, IT Match online, Get A Freelancer, Write a Lancer and so many. Their primary job is to liaison between vendors and a prospective buyer. You will find hundreds of jobs getting posted on any of these sites and there are lists of prospective vendors or freelancers, who get these projects by bidding. So, there is a job exchange at every point of time, where by the buyer has the option for choosing the best vendor, the vendor has got the option of earning from a job of his expertise or choice, and the freelancer companies earn their commission. So, everybody benefits.
One might be thinking, whether it is his cup of tea. The wide variety of jobs includes Programming, Designing, legal advise, real estate solution, Writing for Blogs & forum posting and even data entry. So one may find the job as per his profile, expertise and likings.