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Chapter 4 Handling Membership Site Delivery
One area that you will need to consider when setting up a membership site is how members will be able to access the information that they receive as part of their membership. There are many different ways that you can handle this, so it is important to give careful thought and consideration to the best methods based on your needs, abilities and budget at the current time.
Using a Thank You Page Delivery System
One method that can be relatively simply and which does not require extensive technical knowledge is to use a thank you page delivery system. All that you need to make this method work is a payment processor. Basically, the system works by sending people a thank you page after their purchase. Inside the thank you page you can put a link to the product or products that the customers can download as part of that month's subscription. This method works well enough if your members are receiving access to one new item each month.
The beauty of this method is that it is quite simple, inexpensive and does not take a lot of time to set up. There are problems with this method that you should be aware of; however.
First, there is absolutely nothing preventing your members from forwarding that page to someone who is not a member of your site and allowing them to have free access to the download.
Additionally, there is also the risk that search engine spiders could potentially pick up on your thank you page and this is certainly a page that you do not want them indexing. There will always be the inherent risk that someone will be able to link to your page, bookmark it or even distribute it.
Using Autoresponders
Another method that you can use which is far superior to the previously described method is to use an autoresponder. This method is also fairly easy to set up and does not require a lot of extensive technical knowledge. The main idea behind this method is that you utilize emails in order to send content to people each and every month as part of their membership. You can set it up so that this occurs automatically and all of your members are emailed their new content at the same time.
This can save you a tremendous amount of time once you have it set up and basically put at least a portion of your membership site on auto-pilot. You can even use the autoresponder to password protect download pages or if you choose you can have the autoresponder actually send the products and content as email attachments.
There is also a downside to this method as well. If you choose to use the autoresponder to send the products as an attachment, you must make sure that the products are small enough that your members' email will be able to accept them. You must also recognize the fact that there is a chance that your emails will be filtered as spam and firewalls and your members may never receive your deliveries.
Generally, you will have few problems with this method, but you must be prepared for the fact that you will receive some degree of customer support tickets from members who will say that they did not receive their products as a result of the inherent problems associated with using this method. As long as you are able to stay on top of such problems and handle them efficiently and quickly, it should not be too much of an issue.
Digital Delivery using a Membership System
Yet another method that you might consider using is a digital product deliver with a membership system. If you are concerned about people possible passing around your products or not even receiving them at all using the autoresponder method, then this is alternative that you might consider using. With this type of system your members will be able to create their own accounts on your membership site as well as their own logins.
This is an excellent method to use if you want to make sure that you maintain better control over your products and content. It is also a good system to use if you want your members to be able to access archived products and information that may have been added prior to the member joining. This is certainly a better value for your members, which means that they may very well be willing to pay more for that convenience.
You should be aware that this type of system will naturally cost you more money. The exact amount of money that you will need to pay for this system will depend upon how much you use the service and how many members that you have for your site. Even so, it is imperative that you look at it as an investment in your business that will help it to grow and expand at a much faster rate.
Coping with Attrition
One area that you will need to be particularly aware and which can creep up on you, especially if you have automated your membership site with automated delivery and sign-up, is attrition. Attrition refers to the number of people who have become members of your membership site but who have then dropped out at a later time. If you only have a few people who drop out you might not notice the impact, especially if you still have others signing up on a regular basis.
Even so, it is imperative that you keep an eye on this number because if your attrition rate should climb you will have some fairly significant problems on your hands that will affect your profitability.
One of the biggest causes of attrition is failure to match what your customers perceived they would receive for their subscription to what they actually receive. Another common cause for high attrition rates are delivering more information that your members can possibly utilize. The reverse is also true. If you do not deliver enough information and products, members will also be likely to drop out. Inferior products or overpriced products for the market can also attribute to your attrition rate as well.