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The most important thing to do, when building your list, is to focus not on sales but on lead generation. This simply means capturing names and email addresses for your prospects list.
There are many techniques you can use, starting with that all important optin box on every page of your site and, of course, your dedicated squeeze pages.
And you don’t have to give a freebie away. You can simply ask them to sign up for your newsletter – just make sure you give them a strong and specific reason, and don’t forget your “call to action” phrases. Tell them what to do and how to do it.
You don’t just stop, however, once you’ve captured their subscription. Remember it will take the average prospect 7-12 further exposures to you and your product – reminders that you exist and can help them – before they will actually buy something. So you need follow-up emails stacked in your autoresponder.
These can include solo emails, offers of an email course (or another email course, if that was your sign-up freebie) or – most important of all – priceless tips, with no attempt at a sale (though do put relevant sales links in your signature: Most people will not perceive that as “pushy”.)