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So what specifically do you have to do? You just have to take a hard look at that list of goals you created for yourself and revise them to make sure that they are: believable, energizing, specific and timed.
That’s all there is to the goal-setting process. Most people tend to overcomplicate the steps involved in setting goals, but I can assure you that the hard part is staying focused on your goals and taking the necessary steps to turn those dreams on paper to reality in your life.
Believable: You should create goals that cause you to reach beyond your comfort zone, but they shouldn’t be too far out of reach that they’re considered almost impossible. While your goal might seem far-fetched, I know several people who have done it in less time.
Energizing: The thing that I think is missing from the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting process is the fact that those pesky consultants left out the emotional aspect of goals. I for one get excited and pumped when I read my goals. My goals cause me to roll out of bed and attack my days. Your goals should do the same for you.
Specific: Your goals should be very clear and focused. “I want to be rich” is not the same thing as “I want to be worth a million dollars three years from now.” When your goals are specific it’s easy to measure your progress against your goals. If you’re worth $100,000 today, you know you’re 1/10th of the way to your goal.
Timed: A goal without a deadline isn’t a goal, it’s still a dream. A dream committed to paper with a specific deadline is an empowering goal. Make sure you attach reasonable deadlines to your goals. If you have deadlines to meet, you’re less likely to procrastinate and put off for tomorrow what you could do today.