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Chapter 8: Being an Active Networker
You have to be consistent, constant and collaborative.
Being an Active Networker
Networking is not a onetime affair. You might think that once you have got someone to join your network, your task has been achieved, but it is definitely not so. Networks can fail at any time. Any laxity on your part can mean your whole network collapsing like a house of cards.
Hence, you have to be constantly working. Here is what you must do:-
Always keep encouraging your network on how they can surge ahead. It is quite easy to do actually. Keep boosting their morale. Tell them how they are doing well, and tell them what they need to do further.
Encourage them not just by words but also by deeds. If someone tells that they are meeting with a new prospect, guide them in every way possible. Actually, you must go with them if they are new to the network. It could teach them how to do the prospecting in the right way. In the long run, this could be very beneficial to the team.
Never shoot down a prospect, however distant it might seem to bring them into the team. Someone in your downline tells that there's someone they would like to prospect to, but that person is not likely to join. Well, don't deter them. Let them go ahead and prospect. You never know about human nature. No one can predict in advance who will join.
Always keep mingling with people. Don't become so busy that you become a social recluse. That's suicide for a networker. Always keep visiting clubs, attending parties, going on sporting events, attending seminars and talks, etc. Meet new people who could be assets for your team.
As your team grows, these efforts must only get bigger. If you already have 100 people in your team, try getting invited to bigger dos so that you can bring your team size to 1,000. Being unstoppable is one of the inborn traits of being a networker.
Chapter 9: Using the Internet to Build Your Network
The Internet has become useful in almost everything that we do today, so how can networking stay behind?
Using the Internet to Build Your Network
The networking potential is immense on the Internet. The main advantage here is that you aren't staying local or even national, but you are going global. People are finding millions of prospects every month by networking online. That is what multinational MLM conglomerates are doing. This is the place where you can get people who are actually interested in your opportunity. With the Internet, rejection has become passe. You can directly reach out to people who will be interested in what you have to offer.
Here are the three most popular ways in which this can be done:-
Blogging - When you blog, you are directly reaching out to people who are interested. In fact, people who are interested will only search on the search engines with those particular keywords and reach your blog. Blogs are interactive, so you could have a complete conversation with the people telling them what they need to know. You could use a blog in conjunction with something like a free eBook which could help add them to your list.
Article Marketing - Submit great articles on the Internet on directories such as Buzzle. EzineArticles. eHow. About. iSnare. etc. These articles will be keyword optimized too, which means people can visit them and then click on your website link if they are interested.
Social Networking - With the help of social networking websites such as Facebook. Hi5. MvSpace. etc. you could build networks of people who could be interested in your opportunity. You could even build groups and communities of people who already have an interest for what you are doing. These websites could be your best way of interactively reaching out to a lot of people.
These are just three ways. As you become a better Internet user, you will find a lot of other ways such as social bookmarking, using feeds, etc. which could more particularly bring a large number of people to your website.
Chapter 10: Keep Improving Yourself to Be a Great Networker
You cannot improve yourself enough when you are a networker.
Keep Improving Yourself to Be a Great Networker
We have already spoken about networking being a constantly evolving process. Until a few years ago, networking meant hosting dinner parties, conducting seminars and cold calling. Today the major bulk of networking has moved online. Hence, things have changed. The way networking is done has changed. That is the reason you have to keep changing yourself too. If you don't keep up with the times, you aren't going to make much headway here.
That is the first important thing. You have to keep learning. Networkers have gong over the Internet in a major exodus today. If you don't join this migration, you will be extinct soon. But just staying on the Internet doesn't mean anything. The Internet itself is a constantly evolving genre. You need to keep learning the new methods of networking as they are being invented. Keep abreast of what's happening and join the bandwagon. That's the rule to survive here.
At the same time, keep working on your personality. That doesn't mean you should actually join personality development courses, though that would help as well, but you could actually visit places where people speak and network and take tips from them. In the networking world, however good you think you are, there are always people who are better that you. Don't be dejected about it though. Learn from these stalwarts in your realm and evolve. You will soon find you will have set a new benchmark for yourself.
There is no end to the networking game. You have to keep finding more people to whom you can network and reach out to them. This is one of the absolute essentials if you have to stay on top here.
Just keep in mind that once you are in the networking game, you are in it forever. You might be able to take big vacations and all that stuff, but you have to keep aware of what's happening with your network. It takes painstaking efforts to build networks; you owe it to yourself not to let it dwindle for anything.