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To an extent, the first step to finding a natural cure for a depression problem lies with the ability to discover what the cause of the problem was.
Having suggested that many experts believe that depression is caused by biopsychosocial factors, if specific factors can be isolated, then it may be possible to address those factors and deal with the depression problem.
For example, if it can be established that someone is suffering from depression because of an unhappy or abusive relationship, it should be fairly clear that getting out of that relationship could be a significant step in the right direction. Accepting the biopsychosocial argument would clearly suggest that there is probably more to a person’s depression problem even in these circumstances (i.e. when there is a clear causative factor that can be handled or dealt with so as to remove the problem), nevertheless, making changes in this way would take a noticeable degree of the pressure off.
So, the first step towards finding a natural cure for a depression problem is to isolate what the causes of that problem are if at all possible. Armed with this information, it should be possible to decide whether there is any single step or series of steps that can be taken in order to alleviate the pressure that is causing the depression problem.
However, while this sounds simple in theory, it is likely to be far more difficult to put this into practice if you already have a depression problem, because accurate self-analysis is not likely to be the strong point of someone who is depressed.
Nevertheless, if you are able to analyze the problem sufficiently objectively to come up with an answer through your own efforts, this is likely to be the quickest and easiest way of getting to the root of your problem.
Can you, for example, pinpoint a time in your life when depression started to be a problem for you? If so, what was happening at that time?
Even when you are suffering, are there things in your life that still bring you pleasure and enjoyment? If so, is it possible to include more of those things in your life as a way of attempting to lift your depression?