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Safe Red Dye Use beet juice instead of artificial food coloring. Unlike some synthetic dyes, beet juice is safe, because it does not trigger liver cancer cell growth.
Toast Sesame Seeds Place a nonstick skillet over a high heat and sprinkle in a tablespoon or two of sesame seeds. As the pan heats up, the seeds will begin to pop like popcorn. Shake the pan as you would if you were popping popcorn the old fashioned way. Shake until they are golden brown; sprinkle over salads, cooked veggies, Asian stir-fries, or broiled chicken, fish, or shrimp.
Your body needs Vitamin C to absorb iron. Eat citrus fruit after an iron-rich meal.
It is best to take calcium supplements between meals, because some foods contain substances which may compete with calcium for absorption in your body.
Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit. They have anti inflammatory effects, improve mental performance and also reduce the rates of urinary-tract infection. Healthful cousins include red grapes, cranberries, blackberries, cherries, raspberries, boysenberries, and strawberries. Eat one to two cups fresh or frozen daily.
Spinach is rich in the antioxidants lutein and beta-carotene. Healthful cousins include kale, collards, swiss chard, mustard greens, and Romaine lettuce. Your goal is to eat two cups raw or one cup steamed every day.
Oats are a rich source of fiber including beta-glucans, which help to protect against heart disease. Oats also have minerals, including magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, all of which lower the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Healthful cousins include wheat germ, flaxseed, whole wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, and amaranth. Five to seven daily servings is recommended.
Pumpkin is rich in carotenoids, it is also the best source of the combination of alpha-carotene (twice as much as carrots) and beta-carotene – which work optimally as a team. Carotenoid-rich foods (not supplements) have been shown to reduce the risk for lung, colon, breast, and skin cancers. Canned 100% pure pumpkin is just as nutritious as fresh. Healthful cousins include carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. You need to eat ½ cup most days.
Tomatoes have been linked to reduced rates of cancer, particularly prostate malignancies. When joined with lutein, lycopene also fights age-related mascular degeneration. Cooked tomatoes are most readily absorbed by the body. Healthful cousins include watermelon and pink grapefruit. Your goal is to eat one daily serving of processed tomatoes or 1/2 cup of sauce, or one watermelon wedge, ½ pink grapefruit, and multiple servings of fresh tomatoes each week.
Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, protein, fiber, and cholesterol-lowering compounds known as plant sterols. Studies suggest that eating about one ounce, about a handful, of nuts five times a week lowers the risk for heart attack by up to 50%. Beware, nuts are high in calories, so do not overindulge. Healthful cousins include almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds, and pecans.
Try to incorporate oranges, soy, tea (black or green), raw or cooked broccoli, yogurt with live cultures, skinless turkey, and/or beans (Pinto, Navy, Lima, or Chickpeas) in your diet on all or most days of the week.
Protein is vital to maintaining all the cells, muscles, and other tissues of the body.
Fiber aids in digestion and reduces cholesterol.
Water adds volume without calories. Foods with high water content fill you up just as effectively as those that are loaded with fats and sugars. To add more water to your daily diet, start your meals with soup whenever possible, steam vegetables rather than baking or grilling them as this will keep their water content high and eat water-rich stew as a main dish.
Eat frequent meals. Six small meals and snacks a day will keep your energy level up and your hunger down.
Buy only salmon that is specifically marked wild Alaskan. You should try to eat three ounces of fish, two to four times per week. Healthful cousins include Halibut, Sardines with the bones, Herring, Sea Bass and Trout, which are low in mercury. Canned albacore tuna is rich in omega-3’s but it’s best to limit consumption to one can per week because of possible mercury content.
British researchers from the Southampton University have found that boys born with a low birth weight are more likely to have an increased risk of heart disease later in life.
Eight year olds who were smaller at birth are more likely to have vascular resistance, a property of blood vessels that makes it harder for the blood to be pumped though. Even though this vascular resistance does not cause an immediate problem for a child, there is some suggestion that it might increase the chance of blood pressure problems in adulthood.
No such problem was seen in girls who were born with a low birth weight. Earlier studies have linked heart disease and diabetes to low birth weight.