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Most people have come to accept Arthritis as just a 'normal part of the aging process'. But, sometimes the pain from this disease can become quite unbearable. As a result, they will be looking for a way to find relief. Doctors will offer you a wide variety of synthetic drugs, which may ease the pain, and also bring with them a wide assortment of possible side affects. Some of these side effects can be crippling or even deadly. Remember, the Vioxx scandal?
As a result, more and more people are looking for alternative treatments, to help ease the pain, and hopefully, not riddled with dangerous side effects!
Fortunately for arthritis sufferers, new research has now shown other very effective methods of not only relieving the pain of arthritis, but also the ability to rebuild the affected joints. This good news couldn't have come at a better time, as arthritis symptoms, particularly those of Osteoarthritis, has risen greatly in the last 10-20 years. This data indicates arthritis has become one of the nation’s most common health problems.
Did you know there are hundreds of diseases and ailments, which don’t have to be treated with drugs, no matter how much the big pharmaceutical companies try to make you think drugs are better and more powerful than home remedies? In many cases, there are natural remedies that could be used to treat diseases.
You see the truth is, the pharmaceutical companies don’t make money from plant-based treatments, because where there is no patent, there is no money. They are only interested in making money, not what’s best for you. In reality, there are hundreds of tried and true remedies available, at little or no cost to you, which these companies are trying to substitute with prescription drugs and medicines. When a new synthetic drug is discovered, it’s only tested for a few years before it’s released. Many natural remedies have been used for hundreds of years, long before prescription drugs.