With this upgrade, you will be a game-changer in the world of educational technology and revolutionize the way you do business and make money!
Tap into this endless stream of opportunities with our Awesome and up-to-date My Google Classroom HD Video course to take advantage of this remarkable tool that makes education, training, and even outreach possible!
There is a profound shift happening in American education: the Googlification of the classroom!
Today, more than half the nation’s primary- and secondary-school students — more than 30 million children — use Google education apps like Gmail and Docs.
Schools may be giving Google more than they are getting:
Generations of future customers.
The company is the latest big contender in a decades-old battle among tech companies to hook students as future customers.
Google has established itself as a force in the education software market through its free Google Classroom app.
Google Classroom is a free application designed by Google to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and much more!
Today, after 5 years, 40 million students and educators rely on Google
Classroom to stay organized and support creative teaching techniques
30 million more use Chromebooks to open up a world of possibilities both inside and outside the classroom.
Well, its time Now, that you too become a part of this Classroom Revolution.
We have put together all the resources that will show you the latest tips and tricks to set up your classroom for Success and streamline your workflow- all in minutes!
Explore the tools and tips shared in these video tutorials, and see which ones work best for you and your business.
Once you’ve downloaded and followed our My Google Classroom HD Training Videos, it will not take long to get there and outrank your competitors.
It is jampacked with valuable information on a wide variety of topics from setting up a Google Classroom, tips and tricks for teachers and administrators to differentiate their classroom assignments, organizing it, benefits for students and teachers, how to use it to train your employees and so much more.
Grab this opportunity to capitalize on the software’s popularity and create a unique endless revenue earning opportunity – Sell, Service and Innovate with Google Education!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re building a new website or making changes to your existing one.
Get the maximum out of our video tutorials to...
- Build your business for the future and partner with Google For Education
- Generate new revenue opportunities by supporting education customers
- Improve accessibility and exposure to online learning.
- Make learning interactive and collaborative
- Help partners build successful Google Apps for Education business practices
My Google Classroom HD Video Training!
This is a complete collection of 15 High Definition videos with step by step content. Here’s the breakdown:
In Video #1: which is the Introduction video, you will get a detailed explanation of what will be included in the complete training, so that you can have a clear vision of what to expect from it.
In Video #2: You will find What is Google Classroom and how does it work.
In Video #3: You will find the Why to integrate Google Classroom and its benefits of collaborating.
In Video #4: You will find out How can you benefit as a Google for Education Partner.
In Video #5: You will learn the latest and newest updates of features added to Google Classroom.
In Video #6: You will find out step by step tutorial on how to Get started with Google Classroom.
In Video #7: You will find out how to create assignments in Google Classroom.
In Video #8: You will come to know how to train your employees using Classroom.
In Video #9: You will find out how to use Gradebook to enhance Google Classroom.
In Video #10: You will find out easy and time saving Google classroom tips for teachers.
In Video #11: You will learn how to measure and analyze Classroom Reports and usage.
In Video #12: You’ll discover the best Apps to use with Google Classroom.
In Video #13: You will find out things you might not know about using Google Classroom and how to use them for maximum results.
In Video #14: You will find out great ways to start using Google Classroom now.
In Video #15: You will learn How to partner with Google For Education.
With our My Google Classroom HD Video Training, you get access to use our well researched, top-notch package.
If you apply these tips, you’ll be able to able to build your business for the future and partner with Google For Education, generate new revenue opportunities by supporting education customers, improve accessibility and exposure to online learning, make learning interactive and collaborative.
So just use this incredible resource and reach the pinnacle of success.
So there you have it!
Thousands of teachers are certainly finding their way to Google Classroom.
It has been as billed by Google: less focus on tech, more focus on teaching.
Join the Google Classroom Revolution Today! It will completely change the way you deliver assignments, communicate and collaborate in your class, and give your students future-ready skills!
Tap into the market potential of this huge platform and jumpstart your business growth.
No more excuses.