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One last aspect to consider about a company is the state of it’s current market trend. Many people at one time or another has heard about aggressive marketing and campaigns on certain companies based on the need for their product and how hot the opportunity is at the moment.
They could be in the pioneer stage, marketing the latest health products to a growing or maturing market (for example, aging baby boomers). Some could be in a mature stage after surviving in the market over 10 years.
The comparison of the new, smoking hot companies over the mature, or aging counterparts have its pros and cons. New companies are not vulnerable to saturation. Collaboration with new companies put you in positions of power where you can negotiate with the management team on the direction of the company or even enhance the marketing plan. People who has heard of those new companies may jump on the opportunity and it is generally easier to create a large group in a short time.
This does not mean you should not join older companies. Older companies are more stable and has survived the times. They have run a time tested system which has helped many people to succeed. International companies are even more reliable as they have the manpower to tap the international market. Think of McDonalds. They have been around for so many decades yet people are still profiting from them today because they all follow a system.
There is No Such Thing as a Perfect MLM
In spite of all there is discussed above, certain companies may claim they are the best. Different companies market different products and they all claim to be the best in their line. Each claim to be selling the best skin care, nutrition, aromatherapy, insurance programs, investment opportunities or even online digital products.
Let’s face it. There is no such thing as a perfect MLM, just there is no such thing as a perfect church or perfect government. MLM companies are just like normal companies in the sense that there will always be management problems, staff problems, cash flow problems, shipment difficulties and product faults.
Take the skin care industry for example. There are many skin care products that have long histories, extensive research, powerful testimonials, and so on. But no matter how good the skin care is, they will not benefit EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET. We are all different. Some has drier skin. Some are more sensitive. You can’t prescribe a drug that will cure everything for everyone.
Likewise with teams. Certain teams are more suitable for younger crowds with all the excitement and the hoo-hah going on. Others are for a more mature crowd.