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However, all those things can't make up for how he treats your family. This is why you need to end it and move on. If you don't, your family may begin to ignore you and slowly move out of your life.
A few tested relationship solutions that we recommend before moving on are listed below. Make sure you go everything carefully as this could be your ticket to saving the relationship;
Before you move on, you need to have "the talk". Let him/her know what direction you are headed for and they'll definitely see how serious this is for you. Talking allows you to let out your frustrations and disappointment in a relationship, tell them what habits you don't approve of and ask how they can change for you.
If the two of you realize you are in a relationship that is not healthy, why not make promises to one another? For example, if your boyfriend disrespects you by calling you names out of anger, have him make a promise to not do this anymore. He'll ask you to stop making fun of him in front of his friends and this will be your promise. Having a rule or boundaries between each other is a great help.
Do you feel like you are falling out of love with the person you are with? If so, you might want to try rekindling the magic and seeing what you can do to make it the way it was before when the two of you met. Why not bring back old memories and go to a restaurant the two of you used to visit? Make it special. Light candles or bring flowers if you want. This will definitely get the sparks flying again!
Moving isn't something you can do within a few days. It takes months or even years to get over a significant one you love dearly, even if the breakup was your idea. Being trapped in a relationship you're not happy in will just make you want to escape. Besides, you've tried going to counseling with your spouse and even started going to church with them. No matter what you did, nothing made a difference. This is why you need to call it quits. If you tried everything and there are no more options, it's a dead end. Remember that it's not the end of the world. You will most likely meet someone new.
To move on, you'll need to push yourself into new a activities. Go out more with your girlfriends. A girls night out is always a great way to cheer yourself up, especially if you can't stop thinking about your ex.
Why not put in a few extras hours for work? You can earn some extra money and take your mind off your ex. However, if he or she works at the same place as you, you'll probably need to look into other career opportunities.
The most difficult time is at night. Your heart and mind will feel confused, thinking of past memories. This is when you feel the need to call or text them. Instead of being sad and letting all your emotions roll in, pick up a good book. By reading each night, you will stop worrying about the other person and you'll be able to focus on your own needs.
If you still have trouble moving on, it is a good idea to seek help from others. Through communication skills, you will be able to identify what's bothering you the most. If you do not have any friends to talk to or just feel uncomfortable, you can opt for psychiatric counseling. The psychiatrist is there to listen to your feelings and sometimes give advice on what to do. They will also monitor your progress and let you know if they see any positive changes. Also, while you get counseled always keep a diary with you. As time goes by, you will be not as fixated on your ex as you were before.