Ebook Sample Content Preview:
81. There's always more—There is always more you can do to reach your goal. Don’t settle for what you can do right now. Don’t focus on what you’ve achieved in the past, focus on what you can do in the future. You can always achieve more.
82. Results matter most—No matter what anyone says, it isn’t just that you try and do your best. Never forget—Results matter most. Never get complacent or comfortable just because you check a lot of tasks off your list every day, or you use strategies that your friends all agree are the best. Don’t confuse activity for accomplishment.
There's a big difference between the two. If you aren't getting the results you want, you're probably working too hard on the wrong things.
83. Science and technology aren’t everything—Use technology and science, but don't make them everything. Use the latest and most effective research to help you reach your goals. It doesn’t mean anything that you can use technology if you don’t ever reach your goals. That's like a person priding himself on being a business school graduate but losing the sight of the fact he wants to become a successful businessman.
84. Perfection isn’t everything—Look for effectiveness, not perfection. A strategy doesn't need to be optimal in order to be effective. An optimal strategy, without desire and determination, can be just as ineffective as a terrible strategy. Although perfect is great, you don't always need the perfect strategy if your head and heart are in the right place.
85. Let yourself be motivated by others—If you see people who have better accomplishments than yours, admire them. Use what they've accomplished as a source of inspiration. Don't assume they have done anything extraordinary to reach their goals or were bred by geniuses. Use them as motivation that can end up proving you sold yourself short.
86. Associate with people at the level you hope to achieve—If your goal is to get a promotion to a specific position, hang out with people holding that position. See how they got there, and learn from their successes. You’ll find hanging out with determined, optimistic, and driven people will help you maintain motivation and reach your success faster.
87. The basics work—Things don’t have to be glamorous or ingenious to work. Remember that the basics work too. Sometime getting back to basics helps you focus on the goal itself instead of a creative way to achieve the goal.
88. Keep moving forward—It’s not uncommon to get in a slump when working toward your goals. Remember—it will pass. Keep on striving for success and focusing on the goal.
89. Think it and do it—There’s truth to the saying, “If you think you can, you can.” Just think you can do it and start doing it. It may take a while, but always believe you can, and you will. Instead, too often people think they can’t, so they can’t—or don’t.
90. Actualize your potential—Potential is nothing until it’s actualized. People often say, “They have great potential” when speaking of someone. You might have it, but what good is it if you don’t put it to work. Knowing that you have the ability to do it isn’t enough to keep you motivated. Seeing that you can do it and actually achieving it, however, is a great motivator.
91. Measure from start to finish—The most successful person creates the largest gap between where they started and where they are now. The person who starts with few advantages but works his tail off to produce remarkable results is far more successful than the person who is extremely gifted and only ends up with good results. Being one of those who reaches remarkable results will be motivation to start your next project with gusto and you’ll be surprised how your motivation for new tasks will grow over time.
92. Remember...you’re not alone!—You’re not the first person who has struggled to reach a goal, and you certainly won’t be the last. Everyone struggles with staying motivated and reaching their goals. The reality is that refocusing, changing, or making a new start on
something, no matter how small, is a big deal, but it's not impossible. With the right approach, you can definitely do it.
93. Recommit to your goal if you slip up—We all slip from time to time. If you slip up, don't give up. Forgive yourself and make a plan for getting back on track.
94. Don’t beat yourself up for mistakes—Instead, pat yourself on the back for everything you did right. Remember, mistakes are a natural part of the process.
95. Learn from your mistakes—Look at your mistakes as lessons and reminders of why you're trying to make a change. When you mess up, use it as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself.
96. Adopt a stick-to-itiveness attitude—Don’t just stick to working toward the goal. Stick to doing everything you can to make sure that you reach the goal. That includes learning more if necessary and revisiting the goal at a later time.
97. Use positive self-talk—Tell yourself things like, "I deserve to get the promotion because I've really been working hard" or "I feel great when I swim because I'm doing well on my exercise plan."