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You’ve made it over the first hump. You’ve gotten them to subscribe to your email mailing list. Now, comes the hard part...keeping them on your mailing list. You need to keep them happy so they will want to stay on your list. When subscribers first sign up, they get all excited about it. They’ll always read your welcome email. Don’t forget this. Your welcome email is the most important email you’ll ever send them, so craft it well. Make them excited about what’s coming next.
If you wait to worry about subscriber engagement until you start losing subscribers, it’s too late. You need to worry about it from the start. You want them to stay engaged from the time they start as a subscriber and stay that way. You need to maintain your email list well so you can be sure it’s most effective. You can do this by:
Segmenting your list—You don’t want to just send everything you have to everyone on your list. As your list grows, segment it into certain categories. Know what your subscriber’s interests are and you’ll only send them what they want to read. You can create smaller, targeted emails instead of throwing all your information in one. If you throw it all into one, many people will start reading, find it uninteresting, and never make it to the part that’s meant for them.
One great way to do this is to have several categories and let your subscriber choose the list they want to belong to. For example: If you’re a clothing retailer, you might want to have mailings targeted at specific apparel, like men’s, children’s, women’s clothing. You could also have “plus size” clothing as an option if you carry it. Travel agents can separate by types of vacations like tropical getaways, cruises, ski trips, etc. This way, you’re giving each subscriber what they want, and they’ll be happier about receiving your mailings.
Keep it an up-to-date list—Obviously, as previously listed, you’ll want to get rid of any email addresses that aren’t valid. If you received a bounce notice from a customer on your list, and you feel you have the address correct, you can always check with the customer individually. Their email address may have changed. If it has, and they want to continue to be on your contact list, then you can add the new address. Keeping your list up-to-date helps keep it a quality list.
A low-quality list may have a direct impact on the success of your emails. They may never be read or may be sent to spam. If you have a high-quality, up-to-date list, however, it can have a direct impact on the growth of your business.
Keep them engaged—Many people feel that if the people on your contact list don’t open their emails from you for a long period of time you could cut them from your list. I feel if they wanted to unsubscribe, they would have. One way to know for sure that your contacts are interested in what you have to say is to keep them engaged. Ask them questions. Ask them if they have questions they would like to ask you.
Realize that relationships are important—You should try many different methods to build relationships with your customers. Obviously, quality service is going to be one way, but personalization goes a long way too. Take the time to personally respond to any comments you receive. This not only lets you know they’re interested in what you have to say, it helps build a relationship with your contacts. It is often the difference between whether or not they stay a contact or they become a customer.
One really good way to build relationships is to recognize their birthdays. It’s simple to do if you ask for their date of birth when they register for your list. You simply post them on whatever calendar program you use that reminds you of important dates, and you’re automatically reminded. Send them an e-card with a free gift or a discount. They feel like they’re important to you. By building a relationship with your contacts, you will be building trust in you and your business.
Get your subscribers to interact with you—Ask for questions or feedback. Send a brief email survey. Ask them for questions you’d like to know the answers to from them. Interacting with them will make them feel like they are part of your family.
You may be in a business with people who don’t have a lot to do during the day, such as the elderly. They will really appreciate the interaction. They’ll answer your questions and give you comments on a regular basis if you ask for them. These people are usually the ones who will complete surveys for you too, because they have more time on their hands. It’s also because they like to feel needed and appreciated. Letting them know you appreciate them can go a long way.