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Chapter 5: Keep the Lines of Communication Open
It’s important that your child feels as if they can talk to you about anything. This will promote them to be honest at all times and to be accountable for their actions. This is very important if you want your child to grow up to have a strong foundation provided by moral values. Keeping an open line of communication with your child will surely make many situations that will arise in their future much easier to cope with and handle.
It is important to keep in mind that this may not always be able to do because you will most likely hear things that you do not want to over time. You have to stay cool headed as well as calm and collected or this will never help your child’s morals.
The following chapter will go over the benefits of being open with your child as well as some challenges you should be expecting to face.
The Benefits of Being Open
There are many benefits that can be offered by being open with your child.
It is important that you are not selective with what you are able to be open with your child about. Having discussions with your child about issues they are facing or things that they may be thinking of doing can provide great opportunities for you as a parent to instill morals into them. Children naturally look for guidance; it is how we as humans work. It is important that you offer that guidance in a positive way.
These discussions can offer many positive moral influences to your child. It will teach them to be accountable for their actions. It will teach them right from wrong. It will teach them about sticking to their goals. One of the most important things it will teach them is to have integrity and be honest no matter what the consequences are.
It is important for you to be aware of the fact that you have to do half of the work in this process. It is also important that you be aware of the fact that you will likely hear things that upset or disappoint you while you have an open relationship with your child.
You must keep your head together if you want this process to work. If you cannot appropriately react to a situation you are neither helping your child nor giving them a positive example of how to handle their issues in the future. No matter what you hear you have to approach it with a level head.
You have to remember and appreciate the fact that your child is coming to you for guidance. As much as something angers you, it is important that you do not speak to your child like you are mad at them. You must show that you understand and while you do not have to like the discussion you must respect them for coming to you.
It will help this process greatly if you show your child that they are building trust with you by being open with you. Give them a little bit more privileges or let them do a few things you couldn’t trust them to do before such as staying out late with friends or borrowing the family car.
Chapter 6: Look For Opportunities to Point Out Good Values and Choices
If you want your child to truly understand the value or good morals and all the benefits that they will bring to their life, you must point out the good choices that your child makes in life. Some parents make the mistake of only pointing out the things that their child is not doing correctly. This is a bad habit and it is understandable that they may not know another way of parenting, but they need to learn another way quickly.
You need to make a big deal when your child makes correct decisions in life, especially when it comes to big decisions. This will reinforce their behaviors and make them want to hold on to the morals that you have tried to raise them with.
The following chapter will touch base on the importance of pointing out the correct decisions your child makes as well as the positive morals that their character exhibits.
Point Out the Positives
Pointing out or paying attention to nothing but the negative things a child does or the wrong decision that they make can be very damaging to their self-image. This can put a child at danger for losing their morals and values and developing new ones that are negative instead of positive. Children naturally seek their parents approval so continuously focusing on a child’s wrong doings can make the child feel as if they are not a good person or are not good enough for you. You do not want your child to feel this way as it will almost surely destroy their future.
You need to reinforce every positive decision your child makes with their life, no matter how small of a decision it is. Positively reinforcing a behavior is an almost guaranteed way to keep that behavior continuing. Whether it be that your child got straight A’s on their report card or decided to do their homework before playing video games, you need to make sure that you acknowledge it and make sure that they know that you know what they have done.
You may want to set up a reward system that is designed around building the moral character of your child. For their smaller achievements along their journey you may offer them a small reward. When your child achieves a larger goal they should be treated to a larger reward. Remember, their rewards do not always have to be material objects. As a matter of fact, you may want to steer clear of rewarding your child with material objects as much as possible. Using material objects can make a child develop a habit of expecting a reward every time they do something. Instead offer rewards such as later bed times, friends staying over, or allowing them to spend more time on their video game system that day.
The most difficult part in all of this is most likely the fact that you have to learn how to be balanced. Just as you cannot only focus on the negatives of a child, you cannot only focus on the positives either. Children are after all, just children.