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There are easy ways to make money in my opinion, but of course this means different things to different people.
For example, do you want easy ways to make money right now, or ways to make the most over time with the least effort? These really are two very different things.
Easy Ways To Make Money Right Now
- Go get a job. Or just work more hours at your present job. Starting a business or learning to invest successfully isn't easy. A job is easier. To be able to go to work and get a paycheck every week or two guaranteed - that's easy!
- Sell things. An easy way to make money quickly is to sell whatever you don't need. Get rid of the second car, the boat you never use, etc.
- Reduce expenses. Stop smoking, and learn how to spend less for all the things you buy. If you can spend $14 less each day on unimportant things, you save over $5,000 per year. That's like making $7,000 more (you have to earn that much to have $5,000 after taxes).
Easy Ways To Make Money - Eventually
The job is easier than a business, but really only in the near-term. If you define easy as "the most money over time for the least effort," you need to invest or start a business, or both. I've got two stories to demonstrate that idea.
I bought my first home in my twenties, and it was just a mobile home on real estate, but I discovered that I could easily rent rooms. I was soon living for free as well as banking some of the money. This wasn't a "get rich quick" scheme, but I made as much as $7,000 per year extra from my investment.
I had to work to pay off the mortgage, but in the end I was working much less than my friends were.
My second story has to do with this internet business. I spend a lot of time writing these articles now, and distributing them. People read them, click through to my web sites from the link at the bottom, and maybe buy a product that I get a commission on, or I get paid for the advertising clicks. Really, it is pretty easy now, but that's not how it started.
I worked full time from the start. Six months into it, I was making a net profit of about $2 per day. It was a bit discouraging. I had a lot to learn. Fortunately, I learned my lessons, and as it turns out, I was making something closer to $30 per hour for my time. I just wouldn't be paid for the first year. Now the business pumps out the money I made from those earlier efforts, and keeps doing so even when I am on vacation.
That's the way it is with money. If you want more money than a job will provide, you have to invest or start a business. That may mean you work for a dollar per hour to start, so that you can easily collect $100 per hour, years down the road. If that sounds too discouraging, then maybe there are no easy ways to make money.
Chapter 1: 10 Ways To Make Money Online
Making money on the Internet is no longer something reserved for a very small and elusive crowd. You can make money online today, with minimal financial investments, through 100% legitimate ways. Here is a look at the most successful 10 methods of making money online.
1. Online advertising - On the Internet, a smartly organized small business may get excellent results, often competing side by side with larger corporations. Internet advertising is on an ascending trend, which shows plenty of potential for the near and distant future.
As traditional media outlets struggle to keep costs down and become more attractive for potential advertisers, the virtual space offers any business the opportunity to achieve amazing results with a budget that is only a fraction of what an advertiser would pay to get the same ROI through traditional media. Using programs such as Google AdSense, placing affiliate banners on your site and making the most out of pixel advertising are all amazing ways to make some money.
2. Affiliate programs - You can choose affiliate hubs where different advertisers offer their banners and affiliate offers and you can manage them using a centralized system, or you can get a single affiliate website that will display their banners on your site. The potential profits that come from affiliate programs are strictly connected to how high your visitor counts are and how targeted those visitors are.
This takes us a bit away from affiliate systems and highlights the importance of SEO in any online business. The web masters who invest money and energy into ethical SEO techniques often notice a very steady increase in traffic, which, in turn, enables them to make more profit from their online business.