Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Now that you’ve gotten a bit of a taste for public speaking, it is time to strategize. In order to become successful as a speaker, you will need to create a plan. You should commit it to paper, and you may even want to assign dates and goals to each aspect of your plan. Write it and treat it as seriously as you would a business plan for any other kind of business.
This plan should cover all of the competencies you will need to develop. These will fall into three areas: writing speeches, honing your speaking skills, and marketing your services.
Start by taking a close look at your current talents and skill set in each of these areas. Let’s begin by looking at writing. Are you happy with your current writing skills? Do you feel you have decent writing skills but maybe not the exact qualifications to write a speech to present your information effectively? How will you be most comfortable acquiring any writing skills you need? Would you prefer to teach yourself from books? Take a class? Hire a writing coach? Or would it be easier for you to find a ghostwriter to write all your material for you?
When pondering these questions, take into account your current situation when it comes to time and money. Hiring a ghostwriter or a writing coach might be the most effective option, but also the most expensive. You can get books on writing speeches and writing in general from the library or at a used bookstore for free or next to nothing. If you are beginning your operation on a shoestring budget, these may be the best options, at least at first.
The advantage of taking a class is that it will offer benchmarks by date. You’ll develop a sense of mastery as you progress through the term or semester. However, you can easily duplicate this for your own course of study. Peruse the list of books featured in a later chapter, choose the ones that appeal to you most, and assign yourself deadlines by which to finish reading them. Commit this goal sheet to paper and make it part of your professional speaking plan. Many of the books will feature self-directed writing assignments and you’ll want to build this into your goal sheet.
The next section of your plan should focus on the development of your speaking skills. You need to take an honest self-appraisal of your current status. If you know that you need improvement, write down the steps you will take toward this goal on your plan. You’ll find many suggestions about how to improve your presentations in chapter nine. Study these, create goals, and assign deadlines by which you will accomplish them.