Ebook Sample Content Preview:
R is for research!
The first thing you must do is research. If you have no clue what to create a membership around you need to do some research. I recommend heading over to the Amazon Best Seller list and start making a list of niches that you either know about or want to know about.
This is important!
Do not pick a niche you care nothing about. The success of your membership depends on your interest and the interest of others.
Once you have a list of niches I recommend getting a keyword research tool and finding a niche that gets a lot of searches each month.
At least 10,000 monthly searches...
You know it's a good niche if you got the niche from the Amazon best seller list, and it gets a lot of searches a month.
Once you've done that you need to pick 12 topics that are related to that niche that get at least 500 month searches.
Don't worry about WHERE you will get the content or HOW you will create it right now, just list 12 different topics.
Raw Food Diet - I don't know much about this niche, but I would like to know more so I can eat healthier.
Topics: 1. Raw Food Diet Plan 2. Raw Food Diet Weight Loss 3. Easy Raw Food Recipes 4. Raw Food Diet Recipes 5. Raw Food Detox Diet 6. Raw Food Restaurants
7. Raw Food Recipes For Beginners 8. Raw Food Books 9. Raw Food Blog 10. Best Raw Food Recipes 11. Raw Foods 12. Raw Food Detox
Now with the example above I could either create content for each topic and give it one month at a time or I could create content for one or two of those topics and give it in Month 1. Then create content for another couple of the topics and give that in Month 2.
You can do whatever you want to do, but you need to do this exercise to get at least 12 different topics. If you can't get at least 12 different topics you need to pick a different niche.
Once you have this done it's time to move on to the next part of the formula...
D is for development!
The development stage takes the longest, and is the most painful. You'll fight techy obstacles non-stop, but it's very worth it. Plus if you have the month you can outsource it all.
So here's what you'll need to do...
Get a domain name related to your niche
Get hosting and get your domain name live.
Get graphics for your membership site. A good head design, and a membership card cover graphics.
Get an autoresponder so you can build a list of prospects and a list of buyers. I recommend either GetResponse.
Get a script like Profits Theme (ProfitsThemeRocks) and setup your membership site.
Once you have at least a few months of content load it into your site, but that doesn't happen until the next part of the formula.
Add your order buttons. I would use JVZoo.com or ClickBank.com for this because they also give you an affiliate program. That will be key when we get to the P of this formula.
MC = Monthly Content
The next part of the formula is creating the content you will give your member each month.
Using the above example I would....
Give a month's worse of raw food recipes each month. I could find these online and put them in a Word doc.
I would also give a general exercise plan for each month. Walking, yoga, ect...
I would pick one topic each month create a report on it, a checklist, and any other documents that would help my user.
And remember you don't have to create this content. You could find an expert and hire them to create it or use a freelance site such as Guru.com.
Make sure before you open up your site that you have at least 3 months of content ready to go. You don't want to be stuck without content. After month 2 have 3 more months of content created. Always make sure you're a few months ahead to keep from not having content.
P = Promotions
Now here comes the money! This is when you open up your site and start getting members.
I recommend that you...
Have an affiliate program and do a launch of your membership site.
Use Facebook to drive traffic.
Use article marketing to drive traffic.
Buy advertising on websites to drive traffic.
Any other tactic you can possibly thing of!
FF = Financial Freedom
Once you have your site launched and going you should see income coming in. If not then I recommend you find a marketing mentor to help you figure out why you don't.
Don't waste time on buying this and that. Just find someone you know is successful and hire them to help you. It will save you a lot of money and time in the long run and get you to profits MUCH faster!