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This method is the classic “Adsense Arbitrage” where you send PPC (pay per click) traffic to your website that has Adsense ads displaying and your Adsense ads make you more money than you are spending on PPC traffic.
Now Google don’t particularly like you doing this which is why they banned people from doing this with Adwords.
However you can still do this using the many other PPC networks out there. The key is to not make it blatantly obviously that all you are doing is making money from Adsense. The best way to do it is promote an affiliate product as well as have the Adsense ads.
That way you are making an affiliate income plus your Adsense income.
It’s very import to track your results here so that you know if you are making money or not.
There is a simple equation you can use to work out what your MINIMUM CTR has to be for you to break even.
The Adsense commission is how much Adsense will pay you for every visitor that clicks on one of your ads. This often varys so it is important to monitor it closely.
The CTR stand for Click Through Rate which means out of all the people who visitor your site how many actually click on your Adsense ads. For example if you send 1000 visitors to your website and of those 1000 visitors 300 click on your adsense ads you have a CTR of 30%.