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If you're not wealthy, it means that you still hold some limiting beliefs about money.
Here I'm going to identify several great ways to test your beliefs about money and to comprehend what is blocking you from the free flow of money.
The hypothesis I'm going to describe will call for you to put it into practice and if you truthfully do the steps described you'll uncover the notions that don't allow you to become wealthy.
If a few of the steps seem uncomfortable to you (when you entertain them or when you're doing them) it means that you hold potent resistance towards money.
You'll then need to question why it's so uncomfortable, and this way you'll be able to bring out a limiting belief.
You are able to also get rid of limiting beliefs about money by doing one of the tests below that's least comfortable again and again, until you feel easy with it. This way you'll leave your old comfort zone of no money and step into a more affluent comfort zone.
As well you may think that some steps are simple to do but when it comes to doing them, you'll find them tough. This also shows that you have a limiting feeling about money that is so deep inside you that you weren't even aware of it. It's great to detect such feelings and abolish them.