Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Use CPA Marketing Only
Put up a page that has some articles about niche topics, then place CPA ads on that page. For example, you can have a few credit card articles on a page with a credit card CPA offer. Some of these pay $10+ for each person that inputs their information.
Get Opt-ins For Your List
Give away a free report or something worthwhile in exchange for the stumbler's email address. You are basically using the same opt-in techniques you would use any other time, but now you can do niche targeting within the StumbleUpon categories.
SUSO (StumbleUpon Special Offer)
This method is simple. Create a special offer for StumbleUpon users (just like in the WSO section). You can do this by first getting their attention with a Stumbler specific headline. Then you can either setup a sales page just for them, or offer a coupon code for your products.
Push Firefox to Internet Explorer Using Stumblers
This method has been the most profitable one for me. I didn't think it would work, or be worth the time, but I was wrong – and that's a good thing. StumbleUpon has been know for being a great Firefox plug in, but now Internet Explorer users can join in the fun.