Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In the beginning, I gave you a handful of ideas for moms who want to make money working at home. Then, I basically initiated a pep talk, to give you a little confidence boost; finally, I hopefully gave you some important information, to help you avoid some of the organizational pitfalls involved in the process of becoming a successful Internet Marketer and mom.
Now, the time has come to get down to the business of building your mom job from scratch. What you’re about to read is some of the same information successful Internet marketers have passed along to me, as I have strived to earn a living from home, while raising my children.
As you get started, one of the first considerations, especially if you want to eventually make your living working from home, is the building of your website. Obviously, if you are interested in opening an online store, you will need a website for your place of business. However, even though you are planning on another source of income, you will eventually benefit greatly from having your own website.
Think of a website as your cyber home address. Now, compare the similarities of your physical address. Your physical address is where people come when they want to visit and get to know you. Likewise, individuals surfing to find a product or service on the Internet are seeking for a provider they feel comfortable with, someone who will give them the best value for their money.
Another likeness between your home and cyber addresses is that both are a reflection of your personality. For example, when you visit a home, you can tell a lot about the resident: cleanliness, decorating style, interests, and hospitality. Comparably, a potential client or customer can determine your professionalism, your business interests, and whether you are sincerely seeking their continued patronage.
According to some information I recently received about Internet website visitors, most people preview a site for approximately eight seconds before deciding to click away to another business, or stick around to see what products or services you have to offer. So, your site needs to make a quick and good initial impression.
So, I have come up with four things an individual will notice in the first eight seconds of their visit, which may determine whether he/she gives you business or passes it along to another work at home entrepreneur.