There has never been a better time to start your own podcast. Sales of smartphones over recent years have fuelled more interest in podcasts and now there are more podcast listeners than ever before. And the numbers are growing every year.
A number of marketers have tried to create a successful podcast and failed. This because they tried to use outdated methods to get their podcasts noticed, or because they just didn’t know what they were doing. Well now you can learn from a podcast expert on how to create the best podcasts and build a significant following.
In this guide we will take you by the hand and guide you step by step through the process of creating a successful podcast. You will learn how to create high quality and high value podcasts that listeners crave and how you can get the word out to your target audience.
Planning your podcasts is a very important step in the process and many marketers make the mistake of trying to wing it. This is not the right approach and you will learn how to spend a small amount of time planning to create the very best podcasts for your audience.
There are many ways that you can monetize your podcasts and earn a significant income from them every month. After all it is going to take time and effort to produce your podcasts so why not be rewarded for it?
Use the techniques in this guide to create really successful podcasts. Provide your listeners with the content that they want and they will be hungry for more. It is a lot easier to stand out from the crowd with podcasting rather than blogging and video marketing if you know the right techniques to use.
A lot of marketers dismiss podcasting because they don’t believe that it has the impact of videos for example. But they are wrong to think this because a lot of people like to listen to podcasts especially when they are on the go.
There are many successful podcasters out there that have a huge following. People enjoy their podcasts so much that they can’t wait for the next one. How good would it feel to be in this position? Well you can be an in demand podcaster and you can make a profit from it as well which is what this guide is all about.
What is a Podcast?
A podcast is an audio recording that is usually a series of episodes. It is in MP3 format which means that you can download it and play it on any device that will play MP3 audio such as:
• An MP3 player
• A smartphone
• A tablet
• A laptop
You can listen to a podcast while you are driving but you cannot watch a video. You can think of a podcast a bit like talk radio but it is on demand rather than a continuous program. There are podcasts available on all kinds of subjects and in a number of different niches.
Are Podcasts always Audios?
No not always. There are video podcasts that you can watch on websites like YouTube. They tend to show the podcast live with all of the people involved speaking into microphones. There are also videos on YouTube and other video sharing sites that are just audios and they will have a static image (or sometimes a number of images) to look at.
Even if a podcast is in video format you can use a convertor service online to change it to MP3 which is the audio only part of the video. Then you can listen to the MP3 in the gym, on the way to work, in the supermarket or wherever you happen to be.
What is a Podcast normally like?
A podcast really is like listening to a show on the radio. They will normally have a specific theme, for example dog training or making money online. Most of the time a podcast will be part of a series where it talks about different aspects of the topic. So one podcast could be about dog obedience training, and another about stopping your dog from barking excessively.
A lot of podcasts feature more than one person. The interview podcast is very popular. Here the presenter will interview an expert on a particular subject. This is great for the listener as they have the opportunity to learn from someone that really knows their stuff.
You will find some podcasts that have intro and outro music and even sound effects in them. This is not difficult to do as you will discover later on in this guide. We would always encourage you to make your podcasts as professional as possible so that your audience will take you more seriously.
What are the benefits of Podcasting?
The growth in the number of MP3 enabled mobile phones has really fuelled interest in podcasts. People now have a very easy and convenient way to listen to what you have to say. There are a number of other benefits to podcasting for the marketer and business owner:
A good alternative to Video
Most online marketers would agree that video marketing is essential these days. The problem with videos is that they take a lot of planning and time to shoot. Also not everyone is comfortable about appearing in videos. If you create poor videos and it is obvious that you don’t want to appear in them then this will do your business more harm than good.
There are so many videos available these days that it is a real challenge to make yours stand out from the crowd. You may need to invest in really expensive equipment and software to achieve this. Many things can go wrong when you shoot videos such as the background, sound, lighting etc.
Podcasts are a lot easier to create and the space is less crowded to you can stand out much more easily. All you need to create a good podcast is a high quality microphone and a good audio editing software suite which we will discuss later.
Generate Traffic with your Podcasts
When you create and publish podcasts you will be able to reach out to new audiences. You can use podcasts to build likeability and trust with a wide range of audiences. When a listener subscribes to a podcast series they are very likely to listen to every episode.
If the listeners like your podcast then they are likely to recommend it to other people who share the same interests. When this word of mouth kicks in you can really extend your reach. You can generate a lot of targeted traffic to your website through podcasts.