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Instagram is a traffic behemoth. There’s really no other way to describe this traffic platform. After all, it has more than one billion active users.
Just how active are these users? Well, we’re talking about five hundred million people interacting with their accounts every single day. That is huge.
Whether you’re viewing traffic in terms of page views, ad clicks, or what not, Instagram has a lot of potential. If you have not tapped into this amazing traffic resource, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
In fact, it’s worse than that. It’s only a matter of time before your competitors leave you completely in the dust. It doesn’t matter how solid your online store brand has become, it’s only a matter of time until your competitors destroy you thanks to their solid Instagram persona.
You need to get in there. You need to tap into Instagram so you can gain or maintain a competitive advantage. With that said, too many people who try to market on Instagram flat out fail. They really do.
They don’t get the results that they’re looking for and eventually, they quit. As we all know, the only way to lose at something is to quit. That’s the only way you can fail.
Unfortunately, if you don’t play the Instagram marketing game the right way or you have no idea, then the chances of you failing are quite high. Here are just ten of the many reasons why most Instagram marketing campaigns fail.
You can’t look at Instagram as some sort of one-time-big-time traffic source. You can’t just go in there with a big budget, buy up as many ads as possible, and just come in with both guns blazing. It doesn’t work that way.
For you to truly benefit on Instagram, you have to run a campaign. Optimize it. Then, run another campaign until you get the results you’re looking for.
The key here is to run free and paid campaigns on a slow and low basis. In other words, you’re just experimenting. You’re just trying to figure out what will work.
It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall. You keep throwing from different angles and in different ways until you find something that works. At that point, you then scale up. That’s when you spend real money.
Unfortunately, if you go in there with a one-time-big-time kind of mindset, things are probably not going to work out unless of course, you already know what kind of ad campaign would work well with Instagram.
Most companies don’t have this strategic advantage. They’re coming in completely blind. It is very dangerous to come in with too much money with a tremendous amount of impatience. You have to be patient. You have to attack this on a piecemeal basis.
I’m a very big Instagram marketer as well as a user. I love using Instagram. In fact, I’m one of those stereotypical Instagram users who check their IG updates every couple of hours.
From my perspective as a consumer, I can see why a lot of Instagram marketing campaigns fail. Many of these marketers would buy a good-looking ad on Instagram.
However, when you click on the link associated with that picture, it takes you to a page you know nothing about. A lot of these campaigns take you to a sales page.
This is a serious problem because people are thinking at the back of their heads, “What is this company about? How will I benefit from this company? How does this company and its products and services address my situation?”
There are lots of unanswered questions. People who clicked-through may not have been fully convinced yet, but unfortunately, they are dumped on a sales page.
They don’t know what to do. When consumers get confused, they can be relied on to click the back button or not do anything. In other words, they’re not going to buy. They’re not going to convert.
This is why promoting direct conversion links usually leads to failure. You have to qualify your prospect. You have to answer their questions. You have to build trust in their eyes.
This requires content. You can’t just dump them into a sales page or an email recruitment page. It doesn’t work that way.
A lot of accounts on Instagram get paid a lot of money. These are regular people like you and me who created Instagram accounts. Advertisers cannot give them enough money. Why?
They’ve developed very loyal fans. These accounts may post pictures of luxury watches. Who do you think would want to buy advertising space or ad mentions in their posts? That’s right. Luxury time-piece brands.
Regardless of the niche, there are sure to be influencers who command top dollar. Now, this may sound awesome and everything, but the problem is there are lots of unscrupulous business people out there making up fake influencer accounts.
These are accounts that are just intended to get advertising revenue. To make matters worse, they also have fake followers.
Let me tell you. If you were to spend $20 on a shoutout to these accounts, you might as well just take that $20 bill and burn it. You’ll get the exact same result. You’ll get a whole lot of nothing.