Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter III: How to get floods of Traffic/Targeted customers
Once you’ve created a great app, you want people to use it. In other words, you want that app to drive traffic and get people looking at your business. So how do you move from creating a fabulous app to using that app as a tool that will direct users to all your website has to offer? There are actually quite a few ways to do that.
The Freemium
First, you can use the app to offer your customers something that is called a "freemium.” You can create two versions of your business’ app - a free version and an upgraded version.
The Preview
Use a "pilot test” preview group. Your app can be its own "beta test.”
For example, if you have a decorating service, you design a simple app with some brief info, perhaps a video featuring a few tips on decorating, and the link to your site.
The Headline
The content on your app is important, especially the link to your site.
Keep references and links to your site at the top of your app screen at all times. Or rotate "teasers” that call the user to action via "visit our website for even more ways to_”
Chapter IV: How to generate hundreds of new leads
One of the greatest ways to use a mobile app for your business is as a tool that generates leads. Generating a lead is the next step after driving traffic. A lead goes a step beyond just visiting; that potential customer takes an action, even if the action is as simple as giving you some useful information.
Leads result in business, so having an app that increases the number of leads will inherently also increase your business. So how can you do that?
Create the right forms - A mobile screen is only a few inches wide and tali. It can be frustrating trying to fill out a form using that tiny screen if you use forms in the traditional way.
Optimizing Content for mobiles - As stated above, a mobile screen is small. Make sure that your app users are not flooded with impossible to read content or content that requires endless scrolling. The content should be frontloaded for instant informative value.
The Right Call to Action - A call to action may look great on a 17” monitor, but the same image or banner on a mobile screen may be overwhelming. An app will be used on a mobile device or tablet. ALWAYS keep screen size in mind. Offer Something of Value - When it comes to leads, the rate of conversion is usually proportional to the amount of information you ask them to provide. If you want more information, you need to provide more value.
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Chapter V: How to make a killing by selling Mobile Apps
You can make money doing what you have learned here for others. There are a variety of ways to make money from apps, including paid downloads, exclusive sponsors, in-app purchases, and in-app advertising. Of course, all of this hinges on an app being available. Once you learn to make a great app, you can turn around and create them for other businesses as well.
Flip That App
One way to make money selling mobile apps is by doing something called “app flipping." You’ve probably heard of “house-flipping;” someone buys a house, renovates and renews it, and then sells it for a profit.
Play the Game
Another way to be more certain that you'll make money selling apps is to focus on gaming apps. Yes, there are all sorts of apps, from calendars to email to navigation to organizers. But the number 1 type of app that is downloaded is the game app. Go where the money is.
Niche Apping
Finding a niche can be a great way to focus you app creating. In addition, when you develop a variety of apps around a particular theme or approach, then you can sell them “in bulk" to businesses.
Mobile Apps are extremely easy to creat and manage. It happens the same way as with everything else in life: things aren't that difficult. You just need to know where everything is and how you can properly use it - and there you have it. It's the same with Mobile Apps.
Thanks so much for the time you have dedicated to learning how to get the most advantage of Mobile Apps for you and your business. We invite you to get the most out the “Mobile Apps Made Easy” complete training clicking here (Insert URL). Mobile Apps have hit the market to stay.