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A lot of internet marketers will say to you that traffic exchanges are flat out worthless; not worth the effort.
I certainly wouldn’t place them at the top of my list of traffic building techniques, BUT they can be utilized to good effect IF you know what you’re doing.
Let me get straight to the #1 golden rule of traffic exchanges. Are you ready? The ONLY page you should ever direct traffic to from a Traffic Exchange is a “squeeze page” (also known as an “opt in” page). Any other kind of page, I agree, is completely worthless.
People who surf traffic exchanges are there for ONE reason only. To rack up credits so that their own web site will be visited by others. So they mindlessly click through different pages every 4 to 10 seconds (depending on the time required by the particular traffic exchange). They have no interest in reading your blog page, or your lengthy sales page. They are not buyers anyway. But if you have an excellent free offer, presented on a squeeze page with a minimum of text (but a nice picture of your free gift), some will stop surfing just long enough to input their email address and download your product. Not many, but some! From my experience a 0.5% conversion rate is really good on a traffic exchange.
My advice is that you be careful about spending hours surfing these sites to rack up credits. It can be a poor use of your valuable time. EITHER pay one of your kids a couple of bucks to sit there in the evening and click for you, OR buy a credit package from the Traffic Exchange. Usually you can get a couple of thousand hits for $5. If you convert at 0.5%, that will give you 10 subscribers. That’s 50c cents each, which compares with what you’ll pay for Pay-Per-Click, etc.