Mini Report Generator Grab The Master Resale Rights To Ten Info-Packed, Marketing Mini Reports and Just Point And Click Your Way To Instant Profits . . .
And you can use these reports in any way you like - For Example:
* Sell them individually or combined in new packages.
* Offer The Resell Rights or Master Resell Rights for more profit.
* Use them as bonuses to sell more of your own products
* Offer them as incentives to build your subscriber lists.
* Add them to your membership site.
You can even choose to sell the package complete - It's just one handy .exe program for delivery.
Mini Report Generator With Master Resell RightsYou will receive the Mini Report Generator software which at the click of a button pops out a ready formatted, professional mini report in PDF format. Simply save the report to your hard drive and upload to your web host - It's that easy. You'll also receive ready made graphic covers like the ones below.
If you want make the whole process as easy as clockwork you can simply distribute the entire software package with all 10 min reports built in - We'll even give you a copy of this web site to use too!
Here's What's Included:
Amazing Advertising Tips