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Every endeavor that we set upon starts with an idea. The invention of the wheel, the design of computers, the first trip to the moon. All of these started out as an idea before becoming a reality. This is why it is so crucial for you to have a sense of who you want to be in life if you're going to find success and happiness.
The mindset that you embrace is more important than your people skills, more important than your abilities, and more important than any other competency you may currently have or that you may develop in the future.
Your mindset is what will allow you to achieve your dreams and accomplish your goals. It can help you improve your surroundings, allowing you to become a happier person, attracting more positive people and situations to your life.
Unfortunately, for many, as they strive to achieve their goals and dreams, they struggle, getting caught up in the moment or becoming stuck in their failures. They end up losing track of why they are doing what they're doing and find themselves merely going through the motions.
You don’t have to continue to live this way. Once you start to shift your mindset, you will notice that everything else in your life changes with it and you will begin to find greater success and live a happier life.
According to Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist and psychology professor at Stanford, the beliefs, thoughts, and ideologies that you firmly believe in are what determines your quality of life. Your mindset is a mix of these elements and is the traditional set of different attitudes you nurture, as well as those that shape the rest of your life.
Her research into the human mind also established that there are two different kinds of mindsets; growth and fixed. It has been determined that if you possess a fixed mindset, you have the opinion that you are born with a specific set of qualities that can't be changed.
You believe that the traits that you possess are fixed, and there is nothing that you can do to develop them further or improve them.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, is one that allows you to think differently. When you possess a growth mindset, you believe that you can become better. You know that you can always learn new things, build new skills, and work on your shortcomings. With a growth mindset, whatever you want in life is achievable. MINDSET SHIFT
What many people fail to recognize is that these two mindsets aren't mutually exclusive, but they are in fact complementary to one another. Everyone starts out with a fixed mindset; you have particular talents and skills that you already possess, that you may think are unchangeable.
To transition into a growth mindset, you have to ask yourself than to determine what you want to achieve in your life specifically. This leads to asking yourself how you are going to get from point ‘A' to point ‘B,' or rather, how you're going to change your ‘fixed' abilities to reach your goal.
Making this subtle shift in thinking begins to transform your mindset from a fixed state into a growth state. You have figured out where you need to change and take the necessary steps to actively work on those areas, allowing you to mold your thought process into something that is positive, productive, and evolutionary, giving you the capabilities to change your life.
The challenge for you becomes identifying your current mindset and determining a goal for yourself that will allow you to implement growth strategies in your life that you can work toward achieving.
Chapter 1 – Learning to Transition Your Thoughts into Actions
Now that you've determined the kind of mindset you currently have, you now have a mental roadmap of everything that you will need to do to obtain greater success and happiness in your life.
While you may have set goals in the past, there is a substantial difference between setting goals and actively pursuing them. This includes all the steps you need to take to reach your goals.
Change is a natural part of life, but actively enforcing it in your daily life is going to be a challenge. This doesn't mean that it's impossible, or even that you should be worried about making the appropriate changes in your life, it merely means that you need to prepare yourself for some hard work.
Change is a gradual process, that will take time. However, that doesn't mean that you can't help it along a bit. Here are four different ways that you can help yourself implement change in your life.