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Chapter 10: Benefits of Getting Things Done
The power to get things done lies in your hand. You only have to eliminate unwanted attitude from your system like poor time management and procrastination and replace them with the positive ones in order for you to achieve your goals. If you are about to accomplish bigger tasks, never be discourage and overwhelm. Break down these bigger tasks into small and manageable ones so that you can have greater focus on every task. You will eventually realize that you have successfully get things done and completed what really needs to be accomplish.
The benefits of getting things done are tremendous and you can only reap these benefits if you stop procrastinating and get things done right away. The following are the benefits of getting things done and accomplishing things as planned and as scheduled.
Getting things done give you a relaxed feeling
Getting things done entails numerous benefits both to your professional and personal life. Collecting your stuff, processing and organizing them and turning them into worthy things and useful information is a great means to feel in control and relaxed at the same time.
This gives you freedom of choice
When you already accomplish things, you are given freedom of choice. You can use your own intuition, determine your priorities and make a choice based on the outcome of your work, commitments and actions that are tracked in your getting things done system.
Getting things done help you make and keep commitments
When you accomplish things successfully you will love not forgetting or delaying things anymore because you have already been in that point where you are ultimately happy and satisfied with the fruits of your hard works. Getting things done gives you the tool and proper mindset to remember and keep commitments.
This also promotes advance thinking
Advance thinking is an excellent way of rethinking things and tasks all over again. When you concentrate on the things you need to do, you will surely accomplish your goal. Getting things done allows you to think about next task or project in advance.