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Mind Power Mastery
5 Steps To Improving Your Mindset
What is it that makes some people more successful than others?
More importantly, what is it that makes some people happier than others?
Of course, you can always point to luck and you can always point to outside factors. Sure, there is often an element of knowing the right people. Of being in the right place at the right time. Of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth…
But if you constantly focus on the factors that are outside your control then you will never obtain the fullest of your potential. Not only that, but there are plenty of examples of people who have beaten the odds. People who were born into poverty, who perhaps didn’t have the opportunities that others did. Of course, there are plenty of examples of people who dropped out of school or college and all these people nevertheless managed to become immensely successful.
Likewise, you can have two people in the precise same situation but they might be completely different in terms of how happy they are and how they perceive their ‘lot’ in life.
The difference? The successful and happy people have the right mindset. They have the ability to look at a situation and see the glass as half full. They can spot their opportunities and they can take those and make the most of them.
Having the right mindset allows you to see the best in a situation and thus be much happier no matter what kind of situation you find yourself in. At the same time, having the right mindset allows you to spot opportunities that others might miss and to play the hand you’re dealt.
In short, everything starts with the right mindset. The right mindset can help you to accomplish more, to do more and to be more effective.
So now the only remaining question is how you get into that correct mindset in the first place. In this report, you’re going to learn five crucial steps.
Step 1 – Responsibility
The first and most important step is simply to learn to take responsibility for your actions, your mental state and more importantly, your circumstances. Learn that the situation you are in is because of you and that you have the power to change it.
The problem is that many people assume that their situation is largely dictated by outside factors. They will blame their circumstances on luck or even on other people. You don’t have the job you want because you didn’t have the luxury to look around when you first left school. You can’t go travelling because you have a family. You aren’t rich because you were born in the wrong generation, in the wrong part of town.
There may be some truth to these things. Sure. But it is also up to you to dig yourself out of that situation and that’s something that we’ve already seen is possible. You think that Richard Branson made these kinds of excuses? Or Steve Jobs?
If you don’t take responsibility for your actions, then you can’t be expected to achieve all the things you want to achieve because you’ll just find an external reason to blame.
You need to believe that you have an impact on your life and you need to have an internal locus of control.
Only by accepting this can you then recognize the power you have to make a change. Yes, with great power comes great responsibility. But you know what else? With great responsibility, comes great power!
Step 2 – Direction
Once you’ve taken responsibility, your next task is to decide the direction you want to go in and more to the point, the goal or vision that you are working toward.
A lot of people are a little directionless in this sense. How can you spot he opportunities that arise if you don’t know what it is that you want to achieve?
The key thing here though is to recognize that the goals or visions you set for yourself don’t have to be the cliched goals that everyone is going after. You don’t need to want to be a top executive. It is not a requirement that you try to get rich.
If you feel that you would be happier living in a cabin in the woods, then go ahead and let that be your goal!
What you want to try and employ here is a strategy that is known as ‘lifestyle’ design. So, lifestyle design effectively means that you are looking at the things that you want to get from your life and you are looking at the different factors that might be getting in the way or that might provide opportunities.