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12. Million Dollar Deals For The One Man Operation 4.
Alright this is now the fourth part of the course on this subject, but it's also extremely important and something that should not be missed. By now, if you've read through the previous sections, you know how to find and grow your list of joint venture prospects and you know how to watch them like a hawk and select the ones that are appropriate to your business.
You know when, and how, to approach them and not get your offer deleted right away and how to put your offer forward in a beneficial way that doesn't just involve instant extra profits. Put all these together and you have a great base for your joint venture journeys. Now getting them in the first place is probably the hardest part, but sending out an e-mail and just waiting for a response is only half of it.
12b. Following Up.
Now comes the part that hardly anyone does for one reason or another Maybe they're too busy or it'll cost too much calling internationally, maybe they're shy or worried about being told no, or being intrusive. If any of those describe you, put them aside right now. Remember, this is business, nothing personal, and if you call someone up the worst that can happen is they'll say no. It's not like you're cold calling them trying to get them to spend money or anything. It's a mutually beneficial deal, so it's likely if the deal is good, they'll be glad to hear from you.
The reason that it's more effective to go for the email and then the call approach, rather than a straight up call, is two-fold. First, you've got all the time in the world to plan and set your deal out on the table through the email. This is far easier to do when you have time to write rather than have to try to explain it in person, plus you don't forget to mention anything, and you're more likely to get your initial point across.
Secondly it's far easier to grab someone’s attention when they already have the details as you've already contacted them via e-mail. It's kind of an organization thing. They have a hard copy of your deal that they can refer to rather than having to take notes on the phone at a possibly bad time for them.
The reason it's important to call in the first place is simple. How many times a week, or even a day, do you see things and think to yourself "Hey, yeah that's cool, I'll check that out later" and you just plain forget or get distracted or called away to something else. Prepare for your call. Have the basics in front of you for a start. There's no guarantee that your mail actually got read. Be ready for that, and be ready with some back up plans and to change your original offer. The better the list, the higher the profile, the more you're likely going to have to offer.
12c. Something They Don’t Expect You To Do.
Go out of your way a little when they agree, something useful that they didn't expect. Ok we're almost done now. You should be on the way to having some of those hugely powerful endorsements sent out to some of those private lists. I'm a big believer in treating people like individuals, something that’s increasingly rare these days with the anonymity of the internet. If you can pull this off they're not going to forget you, and it's even more likely that you're going to be able to pull off similar offers like this to your list of contacts in the future.
Something that's very important that a lot of people miss, not just with joint ventures but marketing in general, is that you pave the way to the future and leave yourself open to these kind of repeat offers. As I mentioned earlier, it's so much easier to sell something to someone, or in this case make a deal with someone, if you've been successful in the past. So my proposal; once you're done with your JV, the ad has gone out to their lists, you've set up your site to make the most of these hugely important opportunities you want to have the opportunity to repeat this.
Pave The Way For The Future.
So what can you possibly give someone who already has a huge list, most likely one heck of an income, and pretty much all the knowledge they feel they need about their specific field of expertise? Well, that's an easy one. Forget giving them free e-books, reports and dodgy stuff like that. Everyone gives away free e-books to everyone else. You won't be remembered for that. You need to be a little smarter about this one.
So, to make an impact and benefit both of you in the future, what do you offer after the deal is complete? That's easy. You offer them the opportunity to do the same to you. You create a gap for yourself as one of these people and your status is immediately elevated. When this happens, you'll find people start coming to you with these types of offers. You offer them your list. "Hey name here, a quick mail regarding the joint venture we carried out last week. Just to let you know that I also have a private list of people with one heck of a response rate that I don't promote affiliate programs to, just my own stuff. In light of our recent deal you're quite welcome to add me to your list of contacts ready to promote your products when they initially launch in the same fashion".
Great, I'd jump at that offer. Granted, in my eyes, the list would first have to be relevant and substantial, but that won't be too much of a problem if you managed to set up the joint ventures we've been talking about here and successfully prepared to capture leads rather than just initial sales. Don't fall into that trap, because you're missing out big time. The more you have to put on the table, the more you're going to get in return. Things get easier after your first set of joint ventures which of course, as we spoke about earlier, builds your list and your personal contacts as well as your sales and reputation. This is most important.